Page 72 of Stitches


Griff is supposed to stay with me until afternoon, but he gets called away to work and ends up leaving early. He promises he’ll make it up to me later. I walk him out to the garage, give him a kiss, and shut the garage door once he leaves.

We really need to get an extra garage door opener for him.

Griff helped me clean up after breakfast, so I have the afternoon free. Sebastian won’t be home until dinner time, so I figure I’ll do some yoga. I didn’t go for my run this morning; snuggling in bed was more enjoyable. Good thing extra sex burns a few calories, because I’ve been majorly slacking since Griff joined our relationship.

Once I get into my workout clothes and braid my hair, I decide I may as well do a little extra work while I’m there. I grab my five-pound weights so I can warm up and do a little arm work before I start my yoga routine.

Only, the doorbell rings before I make it to my mat.

I wasn’t expecting Gwen today. I almost think maybe Griff left something, but Sebastian gave him a key and he knows the alarm code. He wouldn’t ring the doorbell.

Glancing down at myself, I verify I am not fit for company. I’m wearing a stylish sports bra and thin athletic pants.

The doorbell rings again.

That’s rather aggressive.

Unease crawls down my spine as I grab a sweater and head for the door. I tell myself there’s no reason to feel this way—it’s probably a delivery. Sebastian probably ordered something and forgot to tell me.

I unlock the door and pull it open. My heart promptly drops into my stomach when I see none other than Ashley Halliwell standing in my doorway.

Well, this is awkward.

Last time I saw her, she was Griff’s wife.

Last time I saw Griff, he was squeezing my ass and kissing me goodbye.

Yep, awkward.

I also know she’s been causing some kind of trouble with the divorce, so I definitely should not talk to her. I can’t bring myself to be rude, though. Part of me wants to. She cheated on Griff. I remember how he felt before Sebastian asked me to play seamstress and stitch him back up. I’m still not completely sure he’s over what she did to him, but I know he’s happy where he is now, so I can let it go as long as she leaves him alone going forward. I just want her to go away so we never have to see her again.

As if enjoying my discomfort, her fake smile widens with a hint of authenticity. “Hey, friend.”

I look away uncomfortably, shifting my weight. “Hey, Ashley.”

“Gonna invite me in?” she asks, brightly.

I can feel my face heating up with embarrassment, but I shake my head. “I can’t. Actually, now’s not a good time. I, um… I was in the middle of doing something.”

“My husband?” she shoots back, still smiling. “You’re fucking him now, right? You’re why he doesn’t come home?”

Come home?

I want to remind her they don’t live together, that he’s trying his damndest to divorce her, that she cheated on him multiple times. But all those words get stuck in my throat. She’s so full of

confidence as she stands here like she has a legitimate bone to pick with me, like I’m the problem in her life and once she removes me, there will be no thorns left in her paw.

She needs to leave.

“This is inappropriate,” I tell her. “I’m sorry, but I have to ask you to leave.”

I go to shut the door, but she laughs, pushing against the door. “Oh, no, sweetie; I’m not going anywhere.”

My heart accelerates. Even though I tell myself there’s nothing she can do to hurt me, I don’t feel confident in that assertion as she shoves my front door open and walks inside.

I fall back a couple steps, darting a desperate look toward the living room. I left my cell phone in there. I can’t even call… I don’t even know which one I call. Sebastian, because he’s my husband? Griff, because Ashley is his problem?