Page 67 of Stitches

Once inside our bedroom, he deposits me gently in the center of the bed, then braces his weight on his knees and rolls me over onto my stomach, pulling down the zipper on the back of my dress. It shouldn’t feel so sensual, but it does. I’m half asleep and not completely with it, so having someone undress me feels unspeakably naughty.

I turn my head to look over at Sebastian and see him standing by the bedside, regarding me with tenderness as he tugs his dress shirt out of his slacks. Just the swatch of his toned, sexy stomach makes me want to crawl over there and lick him. Griff grabs me by the bicep and rolls me over. He’s only trying to help me out of my dress, but the moment of roughness sends desire curling through me. He peels my dress down over my arms and turns to discard it, but as soon as he turns back, I climb up on my knees and lean in to kiss him. I’m wearing nothing more than a flimsy bra now, no panties. More often than not, if we’re at home and I’m in a dress, Sebastian likes me to skip the panties in the interest of easy access.

Griff’s rough hands skate down the smooth plane of my back as he kisses me, halting at the small of my back and pulling me against him. He’s still fully dressed, the crisp fabric of his suit chafing my stomach, the buckle of his belt pressed against my pelvis. I want him again. I want them to wear me out before I fall back asleep.

I reach down between his legs to grab him and let him know what I want.

Then I hear my husba

nd climb on the bed behind me. I feel him crawl across the bed and then his hands are on me. He gathers my hair and pushes it over my shoulder so he can place a kiss at the nape of my neck. I shiver at the touch of his lips against my skin.

“You know what I think she wants, Griff?” Sebastian murmurs, between the kisses he’s dropping along my shoulder. “I think she wants both of us inside her again.”

The memory of that night, of the intense pleasure, fills me with longing. I sigh against Griff’s mouth, a little weaker at the thought of it. God, yes. I want that.

“Well, I’m not one to deny a lady what she wants,” Griff states.

“Same here,” Sebastian agrees, unhooking my bra.

“You’re both upstanding gentlemen,” I inform them. Griff grins down at me before cradling the back of my neck and kissing me.

Sebastian grabs my hips and pulls my ass back against him. I can already feel his hard cock demanding my attention, straining to get inside me. I need to feel Griff, too, so while he kisses me, I reach down and unbuckle his belt. I draw it off and go to discard it, but Sebastian takes it out of my hands before I can.

A shiver of anticipation moves down my spine. I don’t know what he’s going to do with it, but I trust him implicitly. He rubs one hand over my ass while I try to concentrate on unbuttoning Griff’s pants, then his hands are gone. His body isn’t pressed against my backside anymore. I bend slightly to pull down Griff’s pants. All of a sudden, there’s a sharp sting as Sebastian whips Griff’s belt against my bare ass. I cry out more in surprise than at the impact, but Griff misinterprets. In a sudden show of aggression, he yanks me away from Sebastian, grabbing the belt and ripping it away from my husband.

“You do that again, I’ll fucking whip you with it.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” I say, running a calming hand down Griff’s chest and glancing at Sebastian to make sure he’s not offended.

Sebastian smiles coolly, but his blue eyes flash. “You’re welcome to try, but friends or not, that won’t work out very well for you.”

“No one is whipping anyone with anything,” I state. “Well, I’m not entirely opposed to a little light spanking, but… none of this. I was totally okay with that, I was just surprised. The surprise is a good thing, not bad,” I assure Griff. “I wasn’t in pain, I was just…” Griff finally tears his glare away from Sebastian and looks at me. I smile faintly and run the back of my hand along his strong jaw. “I appreciate you wanting to protect me, but you never have to protect me from Sebastian.”

Griff watches me for another moment, but he must not be entirely satisfied because he glares at Sebastian again. “I don’t like that shit.”

“Well, I do,” Sebastian replies, a hint of challenge in his tone.

I feel like I’ve swallowed my heart. Since I’m the only peacekeeper currently, I shift my body until I’m more or less draped across Griff’s chest. I kiss his neck and let my hand move down to rub his cock until I feel some of the tension leave his body. “We all need to play nice,” I murmur against his skin.

“Nice is not hitting one another,” Griff states.

“He didn’t hit me.”

“Hitting with a belt is still hitting. That’s too rough.”

“Griff,” I say, caressing and kissing with as much tenderness as I can pour out. “You know Sebastian would never hurt me. He was just playing.”

Instead of letting me continue to soothe Griff’s temper, Sebastian grabs a fistful of my hair and yanks me back with more force than is typical. Cognizant of Griff’s attention, I keep quiet, but dread moves through me. I have a bad feeling that Sebastian has a point to prove now, and he can only use me to do it. With little tenderness, watching Griff’s face instead of me, he shoves my face toward his cock.

I peer up at him pleadingly, but he doesn’t see it. Even tilting my head back that much pulls my hair since his grip is so tight. I don’t want him to damage the progress we’ve made in a fit of anger, and I’m afraid he’s going to. He can’t take me from Griff because he’s pissed and then expect him to feel secure. There’s also the chance he’s going to use me more violently than Griff can stomach watching and they’re going to end up in an all-out brawl.

I want to try to get Sebastian’s attention to calm him now, but I’m afraid of coming off the wrong way to Griff. He’s not as into my submissive side as Sebastian, so it could rub him the wrong way if I try to make amends for something Sebastian did.


All I can really do without causing any harm is stroke my husband’s thick cock, then ease forward and take it into my mouth. Maybe he’ll calm down on his own if I do a good enough job. Of course, sometimes Sebastian likes a good angry fuck—and we’re rarely mad at one another, so he takes his ire where he can get it.

I don’t need Griff attacking my husband, though.