Page 69 of Stitches

“I like them Moira-sized,” I inform her. “I just had a picture of a naked woman on my phone and I didn’t even look at her boobs. That should answer your question about my preferences.”

Still, she hesitates. Fidgets. Looks down at my bare nether regions. “We did

n’t really talk extensively about this, but you don’t talk to other women, right? I mean, I know we’re sharing, but we’re sharing exclusively, right?”


Now she looks relieved. “Okay. I was just making sure.”

I shake my head at my stingy little Moira. It’s fine that I have to share her, but she’s clearly not at all interested in sharing me. I like that.

Not that I can even imagine needing to supplement her with someone else. Ashley had a pretty healthy sex drive at our peak, but Moira’s is significantly more active. Beyond the rarest of occasions—vacations early in our relationship—Ashley and I would fuck a few nights a week. It dwindled down to once or twice a week, and then there were the times we went whole weeks without touching.

Whether because Seb trained her that way or it’s just her natural inclination, Moira expects to be fucked every night—some days, twice.

Not that I’m complaining, obviously. I just thought I would get less sex sharing with another man, not more. Moira’s sex drive was a very pleasant surprise.

“I’m sorry you had to see that,” I tell her.

“Why don’t you just block her number?” she suggests. “If you don’t want to get messages from her, you don’t have to.”

That’s true. Seb made the same suggestion. “I will once the divorce goes through. Until then, I hate to cut off her only way of reaching me. If I do, maybe she gets more desperate. Maybe she shows up on my doorstep. At the club.” I shrug, putting the comb down and raking my fingers through to give my hair a good tousle. “I’d rather delete some text messages than see her face.”

Moira slinks around to the front of me, wrapping her arms around my neck and gazing up at me in a way that makes my heart beat faster. “I like watching you get ready.”


“Mm hmm.” She drags her lips along my neck, then lightly bites me.

My cock rises. She obviously feels it because her hand snakes down between my legs and she rubs until it’s painfully hard, straining against her hand like a well-trained pet.

Then she drops to her knees, takes my cock into that sweet mouth of hers, and really gets my morning off to a good start.

Once my baser needs are taken care of, Moira hauls her cute little ass downstairs and starts making me breakfast. She really is a one stop shop, that Moira. I would have never believed someone could be so content living her life, but I’ll be damned if she isn’t convincing.

With her gone, I finally manage to get dressed. Even though it still makes me feel faintly guilty that she waits on me hand and foot, I’m eager to see what she’s making me for breakfast. I like having breakfast with her either way, but since Seb is already gone this morning, I have her all to myself. That’s nice sometimes.

I wonder what she’ll do today. I have the morning clear, so I’m planning to stick around and find out. Technically I should probably leave since I’m trying to behave until this legal shit is taken care of. My car is already stashed in the garage though, so as long as no one is intending to come over and we stay at the house, I should be fine to stay with Moira for a bit.

“Perfect timing,” she announces, flashing me a smile over her shoulder as she plates our breakfast.

I watch her fondly as she puts my plate down, then takes her seat next to me. “Thank you, it looks delicious.”

Moira gives me a light-hearted wink. “I aim to please.”

“You certainly accomplish that,” I assure her, grabbing my fork. “Were you like this before Seb?”

“Like what?” she asks, looking up curiously.

“As… um…” I pause, not entirely sure how to word it. “Sexual?”

“Oh.” She flushes faintly, smiling and looking down at her plate of eggs. “No, not at all. I mean, I had sexual partners, but none as demanding as him. My first boyfriend had a healthy sexual appetite, but not on Sebastian’s level. My second boyfriend had a slow libido, I guess, because we almost never had sex. Or, I guess it could have been because he was too busy cheating on me to fuck me,” she adds, on a faint laugh. “Then after that dickweed was Sebastian, then you.”

Somehow I’m still faintly surprised to hear myself on her list of lovers—ridiculous, given I pounded her into the sofa and the mattress last night, so clearly I’ve made the cut.

“So, four lovers total.”

Moira nods, reaching for her orange juice and taking a sip. “That’s right.”