Not at all in the mood for jokes, apparently, he commands, “Roll over and grab a pillow.”

“Why do I need a pillow?”

“To hold onto,” he answers, unbuckling his belt and drawing it off.

Oh, shit.

“Hold on, let’s hit the brakes,” I tell him, skittering back to my side of the bed.

Rafe shakes his head. “It seems my pretty little wife is hard up for some cock. It also seems like she’s in desperate need of a lesson in how to talk to her husband. Lucky for you, I can fix both problems right now.” Folding the belt and running his palm over the smooth leather, he points at the bed. “Tummy down, sweetheart. Pull your skirt up and show me that pretty little ass. I’ll leave you a few stripes of red, stinging skin to help you remember your manners.”

“How much is this going to hurt?” I ask, eyeing up the belt. “Weren’t we

supposed to start with the flogger? We definitely discussed starting out with the flogger.”

“Yes, but then you joked about wanting Sin’s cock, and now we’re going to work with what we have handy. Tummy down, now. I won’t tell you again.”

“Joked,” I say, eyes wide. “It was a joke.”

Rafe drops the belt, grabs my ankles, and positions me on the bed the way he wants me, since I didn’t do it myself. “When your ass stings every time you take a seat tonight, we’ll see how funny you find that joke in hindsight.”

“Rafe,” I object, hugging the pillow as he bunches my skirt up around my waist. I feel the cool air on my ass, and I feel so exposed.

“Virginia,” he says, his tone much more even than mine. “Who do you belong to?”

I huff, staring at the bedspread and clutching the pillow tighter. “You.”

“That’s right, me. Whose is the only cock you get to lust after for the rest of your days?”


The bed sinks as he climbs on his knees onto the bed with me, his hand caressing one lace-covered ass cheek, then the other. “That’s right,” he says, his voice like a reward. “It’s your favorite anyway, isn’t it?”

I crack a faint smile. “It is.”

Since that last bit was light-hearted enough, I jump at the feel of cool leather suddenly sliding across my ass. My amusement falters, because I don’t know what to expect. Logically, I knew what Rafe was into, but I have no idea if I can be into it, too. If we were getting married for the right reasons, we would have explored his kinks together to make sure I could satisfy him beforehand, but now here I am, his vanilla wife, cautious of just his belt. The man has a whole sex room. I’m so far out of my depths, here.

“Um, aren’t we supposed to have a safe word?” I inquire.

“Sure,” he says, straddling my ass and reaching around to firmly cup his hand under my chin, then tug me back like a bow. “Does my delicate little wife need a safe word for a simple spanking? I’m not sure you could hang with Sin, sweetheart.”

“Are you ever going to let that go?” I ask, out of curiosity.

Also, is Sin into this shit, too? Man, I really missed the kink boat. It went sailing off without me. I hope I like this shit, or Rafe’s probably going to get bored.

Even though the timing is piss-poor, since the thought just crossed my mind and he hasn’t fucked me since the wedding ceremony, I suddenly have to ask. “Is that why you haven’t been sleeping with me? Are you bored? Do you need more of… this?”

Sensing legitimate insecurity, he releases my chin, climbs off of me, and drops onto the bed beside me. I roll on my side so I can face him.

“Virginia, no. Of course I’m not bored with you.”

“Well, it’s a valid concern,” I tell him. “I know Cassandra was into the same stuff you’re into—more, even. You said the cane was for her more than you. I don’t know what any of your girlfriends were like before her. Have you ever even dated anyone who didn’t share your sexual appetites?”

“No,” he admits, his gaze dropping to my breasts, covered by the pale blue satin. “I guess I understand why you’d wonder. Ordinarily, I would never even consider dating someone who didn’t share at least some of my sexual interests, and here I went and married you without even dipping a toe in. I must like you or something,” he says, lightly.

He might be joking, but I don’t find the possibility of losing his interest very funny. “So, what if we try it and I don’t like enough about that lifestyle to sustain your interest? What if I can’t get comfortable with the toys and the… the pain?” I ask, barely mustering the courage to hold his gaze. “What, then? Will I ever be enough for you?”

Reaching a hand out and caressing my face, Rafe assures me, “You’re already more than enough for me, Virginia. How can you doubt that? What I have with you is about much more than sex; ours is the most substantial relationship I’ve ever had with a woman in my life. And I told you before, I’m not a sadist. I don’t get off on your pain. I like your vulnerability, your trust…”