My eyes widen, then darken with fury. “Excuse the fuck out of me,” is what I try to say, but it only comes out a furious, muffled rumble against his stupid hand.

God, why does his hand smell so good? He’s probably been working with sawdust and drywall all day; he should smell gross.

He kicks the door shut behind him without missing a step, places a guiding hand on my shoulder, and walks me backward through my living room, down my hall, and into my bedroom. He never removes his hand from my mouth, so I can’t say much about it, but when he kicks my bedroom door shut, I object.

Reaching up and prying his hand off my mouth, I tell him, “We are not doing this.”

“I’m not here to try to convince you not to leave. I’m not here to beg you to come back. I’m not here to ask anything of you, Nikki.”

I blink, ignoring the sinking of my stomach. Lifting my chin a little higher, I ask, “Then, why are you here?”

“To fuck you,” he states.

My heart sinks, but I manage to hold onto enough composure to tell him, “We aren’t fuck buddies anymore, Derek.”

“I know that,” he replies.

“We’re done,” I say, watching his face.

His jaw locks, but he nods once. “I know that, too.”

That hurts more than I expect it to, but I nod, trying to keep my feelings off my face. “So, what is this? Break-up sex?”

“Call it whatever you want,” he says, reaching for the hem of his white T-shirt and drawing it off over his head.

My gaze drops to his muscular torso, my eyes drawn to the ink again. I never asked him about that. It seems like there was never time, but I guess there was. I almost ask now, but before I can, Derek’s arm is around my waist. He hauls me up against his body, and I brace a steadying hand on his chest. As soon as my palm touches the hot, firm surface, my insides start melting like butter.

Licking my lips, I let my eyes catch on his nipples. I want to kiss every inch of his chest. I want to flick my tongue over those nipples and hear him hiss above me, feel his fingers tighten in my hair.

Ah, fuck it. I’m not going to say no to one last hurrah.

Without another word of protest, I loop an arm around his neck, drawing my body even closer to his, and kiss him. My eyes snap shut and his hand goes to my hair, fisting, pulling. Tingles dance down my spine and I sigh against his mouth.

He only kisses me for a minute, then he releases my hair, grabs my shirt, and yanks it up over my head. I get caught up for a minute and stumble back. He takes advantage of my imbalance, reaching his big hand out and giving me a little shove. I drop back on the edge of the bed, catching myself on my hands. I scoot my ass back so I’m more comfortably seated and watch Derek to see what he’ll do.

I expect him to pounce on me, since that’s what he normally does, but he does something I don’t expect. He drops to his knees. My heart seems to flip over in my ribcage, then he grasps the fabric of my black yoga pants and drags them down.

I try to move back on the bed some more, but once he has my pants off, Derek grabs my hips and drags me back toward the edge of the bed. He yanks my panties off next, tossing them behind him without care.

I’m already breathing a little more heavily, anticipation racing through my veins. Derek wastes no time. He grabs my thighs, wrenches them apart, and plants his face between them. I cry out immediately at the foreign presence, then his mouth latches onto me, his tongue moves inside me, and he feasts on me like a starving man, long deprived of such nourishment.

“Oh, God,” I whimper, reaching my hands out and desperately grabbing fistfuls of bedding.

As Derek’s tongue wrings more pleasure than I can bear out of my body, everything disappears. The whole world around us floats away until there’s nothing but us in this bedroom, and it doesn’t matter why we’re here, it only matters that we are.

My breath comes in sporadic bursts, moans and gasps ringing out as he licks me. My eyes roll back in my head and I rise and fall against the mattress, needing the pleasure his mouth is giving me, but wanting more. I want more than his mouth. I want his dick inside me, filling me up, making me his, if only for tonight.

I don’t want to be lonely tonight, but I need him to be gone by morning.

I need to tell him that.

That valiant thought tries so hard to make it through, but then Derek’s tongue runs over my clit, circles it, makes love to it. My legs shake and I scarcely remember to breathe, let alone run through the one-night-stand rules to make sure he obeys them this time.

He’s bolder now, his tongue stroking me with familiarity. As if he can sense my need to be filled up, he pushes one finger deep inside me, draws it out, then pushes two fingers inside me. I moan his name and he nips my clit, nearly sending me flying off the bed.

He sucks lightly, then goes back to teasing me with his tongue. Now his fingers move deep inside me while his mouth devours the most sensitive spots, and oh, God, it feels so good I could die. He keeps pushing me higher and higher, hitting that sensitive spot until I can’t take it anymore. My body goes rigid, I let out a tremulous whimper, then I scream as pleasure rocks me, shooting me to the stars, then letting me free fall back down.

I fall back against the soft surface of my mattress, sighing, my whole body going limp.