Derek shakes his head, reminding me of the day I informed him we didn’t have to pay off a mortgage on my house, that aside from the fees, the price the new buyers paid is the amount that will be showing up in our new joint checking account. “Who pays for their house with cash up front? You’re a freak.”

“I’ll make sure the house I buy for me and Cassidy has a nice big dog house just for you,” I inform him.

“This is what I get for marrying a girl boss,” he states, shaking his head in mock disappointment.

“You’re lucky you liked me when I was dirt poor,” I tell him. “Otherwise I’d make you sign a pre-nup.”

Laughter shoots out of him and he squeezes my side. “You probably would.”

“I still might,” I warn him, just to be cheeky. “I haven’t decided yet.”

“Doesn’t matter to me. Now that I’ve got you, I’m never letting you go.”

I lean my head back and steal one more soft kiss. “Damn right, you’re not.”


My whole world begins and ends in a pair of expressive blue eyes. Peace and love the likes of which I could have never imagined at one time flow through me now as I linger beside our shaded picnic table and rock my three-month-old son in my arms. Jamie Reid Noble—the little beam of sunshine that lit up every last darkened corner of my heart.

It’s a perfect day to spend in the backyard. There’s no more than a light breeze, the sun keeps peeking out from behind the clouds, and Derek and Cassidy are playing on the elaborate playground while I keep the baby happy. It’s the easiest job in the world. Jamie is the happiest, most laidback baby imaginable. Most of his waking hours are spent stealing hearts with his big, ocean blue eyes, or doling out gummy, drool-laced smiles like he’s getting paid for them.

From the top of the rock-climbing wall, Cassidy calls out, “Mom, watch this!”

“I’m watching,” I assure her, watching as she runs across the cedar platform, plops down atop the yellow slide, and slides down with her arms in the air.

“See?” she calls back.

I smile at her. “Wow, you were so fast!”

She nods her head, then goes over to the tire swing, hops on, and tells Derek to push her.

Jamie makes a little noise, so my gaze snaps back to him. It’s a warm day, but when I had him in just a onesie, I noticed his chubby little legs were getting cold, so I wrapped him up in a blanket. “Are you getting warm, sweetie?”

His beautiful blue eyes focus on my face and he smiles up at me. He’s too sweet not to kiss, so I bend my head and pepper his soft hair with kisses.

“Mommy can never kiss you enough, did you know that? You’re just too kissable. What are we gonna do about it?”

He grins up at me like I just told the best joke he’s ever heard. I grin and hug him closer, rocking back and forth.

I have the best life.

When I look back at the playground, Derek is looking at me, so I wave him over. He slows Cassidy down on the swing until she stops, then they make their way across the lawn.

“I think it’s time to go inside,” I call out.

“Aw, man,” Cassidy complains. “Just ten more minutes?”

I shake my head. “It’s almost bath time for you, honey.”

Derek makes it to me first, stopping in front of me and grabbing Jamie’s tiny hand. He places a kiss against the back of it and Jamie’s arms escape their blanket prison so he can reach out for Derek.

“You want Daddy, huh?” he asks, smirking as he lifts him out of my arms.

Sighing, I rest a hand on Derek’s muscular back and lean my head on his shoulder, peering down at Jamie. I swear, staring at his happy little face is an addiction for which there is no cure. I could do it every hour of every day and never grow desensitized to his intense levels of cuteness. “He’s so great,” I gush.

“Pretty much the best male baby any Noble has ever helped produce,

” he agrees.