“Everything you bought from that last store was very business-casual. Don’t you want to go to that Abercrombie store?”

“Ugh, no. I wore crap like that last year—not Abercrombie, because ew, but…no. I want to try out a different style this year. Change it up a little.”

“It just doesn’t look like anything your friends would wear. It doesn’t look like how a high-schooler should dress.”

“I’m barely a high-schooler anymore,” Willow pointed out.

Raising her eyebrows, Lauren said, “You have a whole year left, honey.”

Sighing, Willow said, “Look, if you don’t want to buy them for me, just say so. It’s fine, I still have some birthday money, I’ll just have to weed a few tops out.”

“No, of course I want to buy them for you, I just… You look so grown up in all of this.”

“Well, Mom, I am grown up.”

Lauren held up her least favorite item, a black dress that zipped up like a hoodie. “I still think this is…I don’t think you would even be able to wear this to school.”

“I’ll wear it on the weekend. It’s super comfy.”

“It’s going to get cold soon, this isn’t appropriate for fall or winter, this is practically a beach cover up.”


Lauren sighed, but put the dress back in the yes pile.

“Ooh, what do you think of this one?” Willow asked, holding up a black bandage dress with a red gossamer bodice and peek-a-boo sleeves. “I think I should try this on.”

“I think that looks very sexy,” her mother said, in a way that made it clear that was not a compliment. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but you aren’t exactly going on a lot of dates, and—is that another zip-up dress? What is with all of these dresses that seem to be made primarily for being taken off?”

“I think it’s beautiful,” Willow stated. “It would be nice if I did go on a date.”

At that, her mother perked up like a dog at the dinner table. “Do you have anyone in mind?”

“No,” Willow stated firmly.

“Have you talked to Scott lately?”

Sighing heavily, Willow ignored the question. Her mother loved Scott, and was heartbroken when she discovered Willow had ended their relationship.

“I was talking to his mother the other day…”

Willow tuned her mother out as she recounted whatever inane conversation she had with Scott’s mother and headed for the fitting room, her mom following along behind her, still talking.

Once inside, she tried on the dress—which was really tricky, since it did zip all the way up at the back. It required some creative movement to get the thing all fastened, but when she did, she grinned at her reflection in the mirror.

She looked beautiful.

And yes, sexy, but she was trying not to be afraid of that thought anymore.

Stepping outside so her mom could see her in the dress, she smiled hopefully, wanting her mom to see that the dress made her happy, so she might be more inclined to open her wallet for it.

A bit wistfully, her mom offered a sad smile. “You look like such a little adult in that dress.”

Willow cracked a less charming smile and snorted. “A little adult? Mom, I’m 18, not 8. I am an adult.”

“You shouldn’t be in such a hurry to grow up. It’s not all it’s cracked up to be, I promise.”

Rolling her eyes, Willow said, “Mom, stop. I’m 18 years old, and growing up is not optional.”