“I will. I’ll show you my other favorite, too. We’ll get you two acquainted yet.”

“I do prefer the company of Flemish painters,” he agreed with a nod.

Rolling her eyes on a grin, she said, “Sorry to disappoint.”

“It’s okay, you’re a rich art-type now; I’ll settle,” he joked.

Narrowing her eyes playfully, she said, “Keep talking shit, old man, I’ll run off with Paolo.”

Waving a hand dismissively, Ethan said, “His paintings are garbage anyway.”

“They’re a romantic commentary on the state of humanity.”

Rolling his eyes, Ethan said, “Now I know he’s too dumb for you; what about the state of humanity makes anyone feel romantic right now?”

Cracking a smile, she placed a mocking hand over her forehead and fell back against the couch. “Take me, I’m yours!”

“How could you resist?” he joked.

“One more ‘get off my lawn’ and we’re headed to the bedroom right now, mister.”

“Oh, really?” He wiggled his eyebrows in an exaggerated leer.

Willow grinned as he leaned in and gave her a kiss. Her arms naturally found their way around his neck and she sighed against his mouth.

Pulling back, Ethan peered at her, his blue eyes shining with love. “What?”

Shrugging, she said simply, “I just love you.”

“If you love me, can you prove it by letting me turn this movie off?”

Stifling a yawn, she said, “Oh, you’re loving it.”

“I’m losing my will to ever watch another movie again. I can think of far more entertaining ways to spend the rest of the night.”

His hand crept down her abdomen and she caught his wrist, forcing a stern expression. “You haven’t seen the best part yet.”

“I’m confident there is no best part. I’d put lots of money on it.” Leaning in and leaving a tempting nuzzle against her neck, he asked, “Are you staying the night?”

Tilting her head back to better accommodate him, she closed her eyes and a tiny smile tugged at her lips. “Probably shouldn’t. Amanda’s bringing the kids over tomorrow, isn’t she?”

“Not until 11.”

“Well, just in case she comes early. I don’t want to end up locked in your bedroom all day unless you’re in there with me.”

Laughing into her neck, he said, “Will I ever live that down?”

“Maybe by the time you’re actually of an age to ask the neighborhood kids to get off your lawn,” she replied, amused.

“See, I thought you were spending the night so now we have even less time. It would anger the gods to waste even one more minute watching this movie.”

“Really?” Her eyebrows rose, but her eyes remained closed as he nuzzled and kissed her neck. “I’m pretty sure the gods would approve of the alternative even less.”

“Well, what do they know anyway?”

Tugging him closer, she said, “Worst argument ever.”

“Sorry,” he said, smirking. “All the blood in my brain has suddenly rushed to another region.”