“I can’t stop loving him,” Willow told them, quietly. “And I don’t want to. And I’m not going to.”

Ashlynn drew in a breath, seeming to consider. Lauren glanced at Ashlynn uncertainly, then her gaze drifted to Ethan before settling on Willow.

“Of course we want you to be happy,” Lauren finally said, her voice low. “I just… don’t understand how you can… After what he did…” Seeing Willow was about to object, Lauren held up a hand “Whether he had a choice or not, I just don’t see how you can look at him and not see…”

It wasn’t an unfair thing to struggle with, it just made Willow frustrated because Ethan was there. Knowing he still struggled with that himself sometimes, she didn’t want him to have to hear about it.

“It’s complicated,” she told her mother. “I dealt with it in my own way, and Ethan helped me with that. You don’t have to understand it, just be happy that I’m better.”

“Of course we’re happy that you’re better,” Ashlynn put in. “But we want you to move on with your life. Even if he was somehow able to help you through all that, okay, fine, but it’s over now, you’re about to move into the next chapter of your life. I mean, you’re just starting college, for Christ’s sake. You’re in different stages of life.”

“I know that,” Willow acknowledged. “Every relationship has its obstacles.”

“It seems like this one has more than its fair share,” Ashlynn pointed out.

“Well, you two can help ease the burden of that one a bit,” she reminded them. “Don’t be one more obstacle in our path. Be my support system like you used to be. Accept that Ethan isn’t going anywhere.”

Still reluctant, but visibly conflicted, Ashlynn said, “I have a lot of concerns.”

Rolling her eyes indulgently, Willow said, “You usually do.”

Lauren bit back a smile, cutting a sideways glance at her wife. “She has a point there.”

More honestly than any of them expected, she added, “I’m terrified you’ll hurt her.”

Ethan nodded once, understanding. “I won’t. I know what it looks like from the outside, but if you let Willow feel comfortable that you’re not going to try to break us up again, you’ll start to see that it’s just a normal relationship. Nothing sordid. I’m not going to hurt her. I’m honestly not that kind of man.”

“He’s a pretty great man,” Willow put in, almost hopefully. “You’ll see.”

The softer of the two, Lauren was the first to melt into a little smile. “I’d like that.”

Ashlynn looked to Lauren, still reluctant, but seeing that she was losing her support. “I guess we could try.”

Willow lit up, a grin splitting her face. “Really?”

Lauren nodded enthusiastically, and Ashlynn offered a nod too, despite her pursed lips.

Rushing forward, Willow hugged Lauren, then Ashlynn—the first time she’d hugged either of them since well before everything blew up with Ethan.

That served to soften them up even more.

“Well… maybe you could come over for dinner again one night, maybe one night this week,” Ashlynn offered.

“Oh, yes,” Lauren agreed, as if there had never even been a horribly uncomfortable dinner with him before.

“That way we can get to know you a little better,” Ashlynn added.

“I would very much like that,” Ethan agreed, easily.

“He seems to understand the value of family,” Lauren said to Ashlynn, as if they weren’t both standing there. “I like that.”

Ashlynn rolled her eyes. Of course Lauren was already looking for reasons to like him now that she’d switched sides.

Ashlynn remained skeptical. She wouldn’t be as easy to win over, but Ethan was confident he would manage it eventually.

“Well, now that’s settled,” Willow said, putting a hand on him and nudging him toward the door.

Smiling slightly as he allowed her to push him, Ethan said, “I guess I’m leaving now.”