“He said he wouldn’t come after Ethan again,” she stated.

“He did,” Salvatore agreed. Without missing a beat, he added, “How’s that move to New York coming along?”

Willow gave him a pointed, unamused scowl. “I’m not going to New York.”

Ethan glanced in her direction. Her gaze flitted to his, but she couldn’t really have a moment with him while her stupid half-brother watched mockingly.

“He doesn’t like Ethan. I can’t think of a single reason he would,” Salvatore pointed out. “He won’t come after him in a way you could link back to him, but hey, accidents happen, you know?”

Willow’s gray eyes burned with rage. “An accident happens, I’ll set his whole world on fire.”

Almost smiling, Salvatore said, “I believe you’d try. I imagine it’d be easier if we just avoided that whole scenario altogether.”

Willow still looked trouble. “That’s not good enough. He’s going to find out about this, he’s going to… I won’t be able to keep Ethan a secret forever.”

Gears turning, Ethan said, “I might have an idea.”

Willow and Salvatore both looked at him expectantly.

“Hire me for something legitimate. I can’t get my hands dirty with your criminal shit, but something like looking for Tito? I could do that. If your dad sees that I can be useful to him, he won’t want to kill me.”

“Yeah, but as I just said, he doesn’t know about all this.”

“He doesn’t have to know about all of it. The rest of the guys involved are dead—save for me—so say you’re looking for Tito to finish the job. Right?”

Tilting his head in consideration, Salvatore said, “That might work. Actually, I could start sending some legitimate work your way, if you wanna work something out. We’ve got a few rental properties, we do background checks on future tenants—thorough ones, just to make sure our… other activities aren’t bleeding over into the legit stuff. I imagine you do those.”

Nodding once, Ethan said, “I do.”

“I don’t know about this,” Willow said, biting her lip. “Isn’t getting involved… I mean, I don’t want you to do anything that could jeopardize your livelihood.”

“Sweet,” Salvatore mocked.

“Actually, I just need him to be able to pay for my tuition in case my moms flip their shit when they find out about us,” she replied with a cheeky smile.

Ethan snorted.

Salvatore grinned. “I like that.”

Willow shrugged, her smirk subsiding. “No, but seriously. Is that a safe idea?”

Ethan said, “It should be okay, as long as I limit what I do for him to stuff like that. I’ll be careful. Just seems, since this is your family—”

Willow grimaced. “Sorry.”

Ethan smiled and continued, “—It might be best to try working something out. Establish a little good will. I’m going out on a limb here, but given the company you guys keep, I’m guessing utility trumps morals every day of the week.”

Eyebrows rising, Salvatore nodded in acknowledgement. “That’s a good point.”

Ethan nodded, glancing past Salvatore at the door. “Also, I do need to get out of here before her parents get home. Maybe we could resume this conversation at my office, with an actual appointment?”

“I’ll have my people call your people,” he replied, dryly.

Matter temporarily resolved, Salvatore made his exit as abruptly as his entrance.

Shaking his head, a little shell shocked, Ethan said, “So, that was your brother.”

“Half-brother,” Willow emphasized.