Page 21 of Mistletoe Kisses

I can’t stop him. I know he’s a bastard, but his touch feels so incredible and I was already so wound up earlier fantasizing about him, I desperately need the release. I know it won’t even take him long to get me there, since I did so much of the work myself imagining him spanking me.

I hate myself a little for bucking against his hand as he fingers me, but there’s so much pleasure coursing through my body, I don’t even care. My arousal ratchets up and up and up as he plays with me. I’m whimpering helplessly, still bent back against the car, needing him to make me come.

Then he withdraws his finger, and I want to die. I don’t even move away from the car, get inside, and storm home like I should so I can finish myself off.

Actually, I should shove him away, get in the car and lock the doors, and then finish myself off right here in front of him so he has to watch me come, knowing he can’t touch me. It would serve his sorry ass right, and get him used to how things are going to be from now on since he’s damn sure not going to touch me again after tonight.

Just as I’m about to do the right thing, though, Mr. McLaren suddenly kneels. I’m confused as he lifts my feet one at a time and takes my panties off. I look down at him with a frown, preparing to ask what the hell he’s doing, but then he answers me without words.

The damned man lifts me up like my weight is nothing, drapes my legs over his shoulders, and then before I can stop it, his mouth is on me.

“Oh my God,” I squeak, my whole body shuddering as I grab desperately for something to hold onto. Between the car and his broad, sturdy shoulders I’m definitely not going anywhere, but I feel like I’m going to fall.

I can only care for a fraction of a second, then the damned man shoves his tongue inside me and I think I’m going to explode on contact. It’s too much stimulation and I cry out, pushing myself against his face.

He groans hungrily in response, his fingers digging into my hips as he eats me more aggressively.

“Oh, God,” I moan, writhing helplessly against his solid jaw.

I’m so overwhelmed, I think I might pass out. The winter air is so cold on my bare lower half, but his strong hands are so warm, and his tongue moving expertly against my clit is the greatest thing I’ve ever felt in my life. I can’t believe anything can feel this good. And I really can’t believe we’re doing it out here where anyone could see us.

But I don’t care. I lose my ability to think or function beyond chasing this pleasure to its inevitably wonderful end. Trusting he won’t let me fall even if he’s clearly okay with harming me in other ways, I ride his eager face, crying out as he nibbles and tongues me until my legs are trembling.

It all happens so fast, it’s almost like it wasn’t even real, but the soul-deep pleasure that shoots through me as I come on my teacher’s face is the realest thing I’ve ever experienced. I can’t contain a weak, shattered scream as it rips from my throat. Cal just grips my hips harder and continues to lick and suck on me, wanting to give me every last bit of pleasure he can.

I’m breathing hard during my recovery, still boneless and plastered against my car. I can see my own breath in the cold night air as I start to come back down. Cal has finally stopped licking my pussy, but he’s still holding me up with my legs bent over his shoulders.

Now that the orgasm is over, the absolute outrageousness of this blatantly public sex starts to crash down around me. Even though he’s an asshole and I hate him now, my gaze drifts around. I didn’t mean to shout and I should have controlled myself better; I could have drawn attention. I don’t see anyone outside, but wow, that was reckless. Every bit of what just happened was insane and we’re both morons.

“Let me down,” I say a bit hoarsely, my throat feeling a little raw.

I almost expect him to object, but he doesn’t. He puts me back down on the ground carefully, making sure I can stand after that orgasm, then rises and straightens back to his full height.

I feel a little vulnerable in the wake of the bone-melting pleasure he just filled me with, but I don’t want him to see it. “You’re still an asshole,” I inform him as I push my skirt back down and take a step away from my car.

Cal’s lips tug up in amusement. “I know.”

“I’m still mad,” I add.

He nods, appearing unconcerned. “Why don’t you come inside so you can put your panties back on?”

“And interrupt your date?” I ask scathingly. “But that would be so rude.”

He sounds amused. “No ruder than what I just did.”

Yeah, that’s true. There’s probably very little chance she’s going to fuck him after he just ate out some other girl in his driveway.

But not no chance, because I did just let him eat me out after catching him on a date with someone else.

Wow, what a mess.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I tell him. “I need to get out of here.”

“Nonsense,” he says, like he still has any authority here. I want to say he doesn’t, but then he places a hand at the small of my back and moves me forward. “It’s freezing out here and you’re upset. You’re coming inside.”

I can’t believe he’s honestly going to make me do this. I can’t even believe I’m going to let him. I’m sure his date peeked out here to see what was going on, so I can only imagine the fury that will be awaiting both of us on the other side of the door.

My dumb side says, well, maybe she’ll be so mad she’ll just leave and then we’ll see what happens.