Page 7 of Unconstrained

His expression turned worried, and he gripped my hand. “Snake, are you okay? Really? I know you don’t want to go to the hospital, but I… Beau has connections that could probably find a doctor willing to come here to look at your arm.”

I shook my head. “I’m all right.” I cupped the side of his face and brushed my thumb over his cheekbone. His expression went from concern to wonder.

“I was going to help you out of your boots.”

Boots. Right. That made sense, but he was right there. If he just leaned forward and I eased my zipper down, he could…

“If you really need to go ahead and lie down, that’s fine. I can still help you with your boots, or… I could leave. I mean, if you would rather have privacy. I figured you’d want to undress if you’re going to sleep, though you really should eat first or at least drink some water. I could go to the kitchen and get you something or—”

“I’d appreciate your help with my boots.” I’d also appreciate getting more time to watch him on his knees. I widened my legs, hoping he’d move closer, but sadly, he didn’t.



What the hell was I doing kneeling in front of a man like this after the way he’d rubbed his body against mine when we were on the ground and the way I’d shamelessly reacted? No wonder he was staring at me. No wonder he thought…

He was too stubborn to ask for help, so I should’ve just left and let him undress on his own, but I’d started this, so I was going to finish it. Even if all I could think about was the impressive bulge between his legs, even if I couldn’t stop wondering if I should help him out of his pants, then help myself to my fantasy.

No. That was ridiculous. Snake was injured. I’d just taken a bullet out of him. I barely suppressed a shudder at the thought. My stomach flip-flopped, but I ignored it. I wasn’t going to vomit in front of him again.

I managed to peel off his tight boots and the socks he wore underneath. Even his feet were sexy. I’d never been into feet, but here I was imagining myself bending down, prostrating myself, and placing a kiss on the top of each perfect arch. So many times, I’d imagined what it would be like to be with a bad boy, the sort of person my parents would’ve hated.

What would it be like if I let a man like Snake have whatever he wanted to take, if I just gave myself over to him and let him use me any way he wanted? I should have been disturbed by how hot that sounded to me, but I couldn’t imagine ever having the courage to act on that fantasy, assuming I could find someone willing.

I set the boots aside and looked up at Snake again. That was a mistake. He was watching me like a hawk might watch a rabbit, like any moment he might swoop down and devour me.

I shivered, but my cock swelled despite my fear.

“Are you afraid of me?” Snake asked.

I shook my head.

“Tell the truth.”


“But you like that.”

“I…” I licked my lips.

“Are you going to help me get my pants off?” His voice was low and husky. I was in so much trouble.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” I rose to my feet and took a few steps backward.

“You aren’t going to stay with me?”

How did he manage to look so tempting? “I don’t think… um… That’s not…”

“What if I need you?”

“You said you could take care of yourself.”

“I said I didn’t need a nurse. There are other things I need.”

“Like rest and food. I’m going to bring you something to eat and go sleep on the couch.”

“Stay. You’ll be more comfortable here. I’m an invalid. What can I do?”

Kill a man. Ride out of my life on your motorcycle. Make me regret ever helping you. I was so relieved when the doorbell rang.

Snake tensed. “Who’s that?”

“It’s our dinner.” I pulled out my phone to confirm I was right.

“I should come with you.”

“No, you should stay right there.” I went downstairs to get the food. Before going back to the apartment, I double-checked all the locks and made sure the security system was armed. Then I finally stripped out of my dirty coveralls and pulled on the t-shirt and sweats I’d fortunately had on hand. When I got back upstairs, Snake had fallen asleep.

He looked younger when he was relaxed. He lay on his side, and I studied the bandage on his arm, shuddering when I remembered how bad the wound had looked.

I still believed this job with Beau was the best thing that had happened to me, but a few months ago, I’d seen my first dead body, and now I’d dug a bullet out of a man’s arm. Both had made me puke, but maybe they also made me stronger, not that my parents would think that was possible for a man who was gay. They’d obviously never met Beau, and Snake was a damn impressive specimen.