Page 5 of Unconstrained

“I would’ve called, but I didn’t have your new number, so I just showed up. It’s a good thing Leland was here. The assholes managed to put a bullet in my arm, but he got it out for me… I’m fine now… Yes, seriously, but he thinks I should stay the night at your place.”

I made a slashing motion across my throat, trying to get him to shut up. I didn’t want Beau thinking I was offering up his home to this guy. Beau had been my savior, and I did not want to lose his respect or my job.



I smiled at Leland. Did he really think I was going to get him in trouble with Beau? Beau knew what a hot mess I was. No way would he blame Leland for anything I’d done. “Leland wants me to let you know he’s just worried about my health. He’s great, you know?”

“I do know that, and if I find out you’re taking advantage of him, I don’t care what you did for me when we were on the inside, I’ll come after you, and I’m way more persistent than fucking Trigger.”

I laughed. “Yeah, I have no doubt. I also hear you’ve got friends in pretty high places these days.

“Friends and more than friends.”

“Leland mentioned you had a boyfriend. What’s that about?”

Leland looked pained. He really was worried. I should’ve told him I’d saved Beau’s life when we were doing time together, but that was Beau’s story to tell.

“I assume you can get into my place without a key,” Beau said.

“I’d be insulted if you thought otherwise.”

“You can stay one night, then I want you to move on. I’m running a reputable business, and I don’t want to be mixed up in this shit. I’ll contact some of my friends and see if they can get Trigger off your back.”

“The Theriots? Are they your friends now?”

“Be careful what you say.”

Did that mean his boyfriend was part of the family? Interesting. “You think it will be that easy for them?”

“Yes. If any of those MC motherfuckers come back, you get Leland out of there and keep him safe. If anything happens to him…”

“Yeah, I know. You’ll send your mob guys after me.”

“That’s not a joke, Snake.”

I huffed. “Neither am I.”

“No, but you’re injured, so you’re not at your best.”

“Were you this much of an asshole when we were in together?”

Beau snorted. “Hell no. It’s the company I’m keeping.”

“All right. Tell your boy it’s all right for me to stay because I don’t want to have to go through him to get in the door.”

“I’m not fucking around, Snake. Don’t touch Leland.”

I captured Leland’s gaze before I responded.” I’m not going to touch him unless he wants me to.”

Leland’s eyes widened, and Beau growled. “Stay away from him.”

“I know what’s good for me.” Leland would be oh-so good, but keeping Beau on my side right now was even better. I glanced back at Leland, giving him a quick once-over. Or was it?

“You better. I’ll call you when I know something, and I’ll get a doctor out there to look you over tomorrow, one who won’t talk.”

I considered protesting, but if Beau trusted the doctor, I knew I could too. “Thanks, Beau.” I held Leland’s phone out to him. “Here.”

He took it, and I watched him as Beau confirmed I was allowed to pick his lock and spend the night at his place. When he ended the call, Leland shoved his phone back into his pocket, and I gestured toward the main building.

“Lead the way.”

“I need to know you’re going to be respectful of Beau’s stuff.”

I laid my hand against my chest as if shocked. “Of course I am. According to you, I’m too injured to do anything but rest anyway.”

He sighed. “Apparently Beau does trust you.”

“Friendships form fast when it’s a way of survival.”

Leland nodded. “Yeah, they do.”

I wanted to ask him how he knew that. I wanted him to tell me all about his past and how he’d ended up working at Beau’s shop. I was damn glad he’d met Beau because it was clear people in his life hadn’t taken care of him. I knew Beau would.

Before we went up to the apartment, Leland got a change of clothes for himself from a locker in the garage.

We headed down a hall, past an office, then Leland stopped in front of an unmarked door. “This leads up to Beau’s apartment.”

I reached into my pocket and extracted the tool I needed to get us in. Leland watched, fascinated, as a couple of quick twists and wiggles had the door opening easily.

“That was fast.”

I grinned. “I’m good at what I do.”

“So you’re a thief?”

“Most men would regret asking me a question like that.”

“Well, you obviously did something to end up in jail.”

“How do you know I wasn’t framed the way Beau was?”