Page 15 of Unconstrained

I was sure Beau would think I was in trouble, but Snake had given me nothing but pleasure, so much pleasure. The fact that I wanted more was my problem. “Trouble? No. Everything’s fine.”

“Are you sure?”

Shit. Did I not sound convincing? “I’m sure. Really. I’ll come down and let you in.”

Snake had been watching me the whole time. As soon as I ended the call, he started for the door.

“Where are you going?”

Snake looked at me like I was crazy. “You just told someone you’d let them in. I’m not letting you go down there by yourself.”

“It’s Lancelot Theriot. It’s fine.”

“I promised to protect you, and that’s what I’m going to do.”

I wasn’t going to change his mind, so I let him lead the way down the stairs. We entered the shop, and I saw Lance through the front window. As usual, he had his pet monkey perched on his shoulder.

Snake held out an arm, stopping me from making forward progress. “Is that a monkey?”

“Yeah, that’s Tony. He goes everywhere with Lance.”

“Just how crazy is this guy?”

“I wouldn’t ask him that if I were you.”

“Monkeys can be dangerous.”

“You acted like it was nothing to get shot, but now you’re afraid of a monkey?”

“Those little fuckers can fight.”

I rolled my eyes as I headed for the door. Lance stepped inside as soon as I opened it.

Tony studied Snake skeptically, then started chattering at Lance. Whatever he was saying didn’t sound flattering.

“Here,” Lance pulled a bag of dried fruit from his pocket and held it out to Snake. “Feed him a few of these, and he’ll be your friend.”

Tony jumped from Lance’s shoulder to mine, and I laughed as he settled himself. Snake still looked apprehensive. “It’s fine. Go ahead.”

Snake reached into the small bag and pulled out a dried apricot. He held it out toward Tony. The little monkey studied it critically for a few seconds before trapping the apricot between his hands and chattering. By the time Snake had fed him a few more treats, Tony had thoroughly accepted him.

“Trigger’s not going to be a problem for you anymore.”

Lance sounded so certain. Had he killed the man? From what Snake had told me, it didn’t sound like the world would be worse off, but I still didn’t like knowing such things.”

“Why is that?” Snake asked.

“Because we made it very clear that not only would we no longer run a very lucrative business deal with his club but we would make sure no one else in Louisiana would do business with him either. Trigger doesn’t have the brains to run an operation on his own. He likes to think he’s real important, but he’s just a lackey for some local criminal groups. Without their support, the club would fall apart. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if he got replaced as president real soon. The rest of the men weren’t very happy with my visit.”

“You just went in and told him this and…”

Lance stiffened. “I’m going to assume you don’t know much about my family. When we tell somebody what’s good for them, they listen.”

Snake nodded. “I believe it.”

Tony shook his finger and chattered at Snake. I could only assume he was warning him that Lance wasn’t someone to be trifled with.

Snake held out his hand for Lance to shake. “I appreciate your help, and I apologize for causing trouble at Beau’s place.”

Lance nodded. “So long as it doesn’t happen again. The doctor should be here in a few minutes to see just how much trouble you got into.”

“Leland fixed me up, so I should be fine. As soon as the doctor okays me, I’m going to hit the road and find a place to lay low for a while.”

“You could do that,” Lance said. “Or… if you’re looking for work… Beau speaks highly of your skills. We might be able to set you up with something.”

“Something in my usual line of work?”

“Definitely something that would use your current skill set.”

I looked back and forth between the two of them. I’d known they’d be willing to hire Snake. Working for them would let him keep doing what he liked while also staying close by.

“Thanks for the offer, but I think it’s best if I put some distance between myself and the city.” I’d known that’s what he would say, but that didn’t make the finality of it hurt any less.

Lance nodded. “If you change your mind, you can send word to us through Beau.”

“Come on, Tony.” He lifted the monkey from my shoulder, and Tony scrambled back up to his usual perch.

“Thank you,” I said

Lance raised a brow. “For getting the guy out of your hair?”

I glanced at Snake and smiled. “Maybe a little, but more for helping a friend of Beau’s.”

“Beau’s family now and that extends to everyone here. You know we’d be here for you too if you needed us.”