“Your mom reminded me that your birthday is in two weeks—”

He froze. “She did what? When?”

“When I was in the kitchen helping her clean up, she—”

“Fuckin’ Christ.”

“She was simply making small talk, Whip.”

He sucked in a long breath through flared nostrils.

“Don’t give her grief for mentioning it. From what I saw, she seems to be a wonderful woman and she loves you. That much is clear.”

He grunted.

“She’s also worried about your involvement with the Fury.”

He groaned.

“And since I’m spilling all the tea… She asked me how old I am.”

“Fuckin’ Christ!” he repeated. “You tell her?”

“It’s not a big deal.”

“Yeah it is, ‘cause I told her to let it go.”

“She’s your mother. She’s going to look out for your best interest.”

“Old enough to do that myself.”

“You’re her only child, Whip. Of course, she wants to be involved in every aspect of your life.”

“Stop defendin’ her.”

Fallon planted her face into his chest and her body shook.

“Ain’t funny.”

When she lifted her head, her smile was so damn bright he could see it in the dark.

“Ain’t funny,” he grumbled again. “Treats me like I’m still fuckin’ ten.”

“She’s going to treat you like that your whole life, just so you know. It’s the sign of a loving mother.”

“Smotherin’ mother.”

Fallon shook her head and drew a finger across his chest from one nipple to the other. “So, anyway, the reason I brought up your birthday is, I want to spend it with you.”

She wanted to do what? “It’s a coupla weeks away. Oil pan’s supposed to be here Monday. You really wanna stick around that long?”

“I’m in no rush and I don’t mind staying to celebrate your birthday.” She paused. “Unless you do?”

Fuck no, he didn’t. That just gave him more time with her. Though, he didn’t say that since he didn’t want to sound like a desperate dick. “Don’t want you to feel obligated.”

“I don’t. I won’t.”

Did she really want to spend the next two weeks in Manning Grove just for him? “Wanna live in this damn room for the next coupla weeks?” He wished he had a better place for her to stay. He never hated living in the bunkhouse more than right now.

“I’ve been living in hotels and motels since I started on this trip. It’s nothing new.”

“You ain’t gonna get bored?” With the motel, with Manning Grove, with him?

“If I do, I’ll go find something to do.”

“Got me to do.”

“You’re busy with work and your club. I can’t take up all of your time.” She moved until she was lying on top of him. “And as much as I’d like to keep you naked in my bed twenty-four-seven, I know that’s not possible.”

“Wish it was.”

“If you’re okay with it, I’d like to stay to celebrate your twenty-ninth birthday.”

He was more than okay with it, but… “Ain’t a big thing.”

She shrugged. “It doesn’t have to be. We can have a quiet celebration if you’d like.”

That sounded good, but her staying for another two weeks sounded even better.

He rolled until she was under him and he was settled between her thighs. “Ain’t gonna say no.”

“I mean, I don’t want to force you,” she teased.

“Ain’t forcin’ me. Wanna spend my birthday with you. You’ll be the best birthday present I ever got.”

“I doubt that,” she huffed.

“It’s true.” He pressed his hard-on against her. “You too tired?”

“You’re not, apparently.”

“Never too tired to be inside you, babe.”

“Call me that again,” she breathed.

“You like that?”

“Yes,” she hissed as he slid his hard dick along the soft, warm folds of her pussy.

She was made for him. She was where he belonged.


She moaned when he tilted his hips again.

“Know what I want for my birthday?” he murmured around her nipple as he pulled it into his mouth.

Her fingernails scraped his scalp, making his dick flex against her. “What’s that?” she breathed.

“To fuck you without a wrap.” He wanted nothing between them. No barrier. Just the two of them.

She was on birth control. If it would make her more comfortable, he’d get tested first.

“I’m willing to get tested if you are.” She moaned again as he sucked her nipple deep into his mouth.

Fuck yeah. He’d make the appointment tomorrow.

This was going to be his best birthday yet.

Happy fucking birthday to him.

Chapter Eighteen

“The text said nine sharp,” Cage grumbled. “Anyone know what the fuck’s goin’ on?”

Whip glanced around the group. The only Fury members missing, besides the prez and sergeant at arms, were Dozer and Woody since they had to run Crazy Pete’s. Dodge, the bar manager, was currently standing with the rest of them in the back of Tioga Pet Services in the furnace area.

It had to be big news since even the three prospects had been included. And big news only meant one thing…

Still, Whip had no idea why they were told to meet at the crematorium instead of The Barn. He trusted Trip had a good reason.