With his hands under my arms, he hoists me up, spins me around, then yanks me over his knee. I can’t see what I’m doing but feel myself upended bodily. I try to flail my arms in front of me, but I can’t with my wrists secured.

I wait for the first stinging slap of his palm, but none comes. Instead, I feel his hand between my legs, and they part on instinct, craving more of his touch, craving more pressure.

“Such a responsive girl you are,” he whispers in my ear.

The buzzing’s stopped. I close my eyes and feel as if I’ve dodged a bullet.

“I could spank you for what you did.”

I nod, dizzy from the fear of him finding the phone, and nervous about what may happen to Elise. Where is she? Is she okay?

But he distracts me the next minute with his hand between my legs again, stroking me over my clothes.

“I should tame that mouth of yours,” he says in a low whisper in my ear, with another stroke between my legs. Slowly he tugs down my jeans and palms my ass. Again, I wait for the stinging slap of his palm, but there’s no spanking. It seems he means to punish me in another way.

“On your knees,” he says, and I blink in surprise behind the blindfold before he parts his legs and guides me to the floor. I swallow when I feel his swollen cock still trapped in his pants. My mouth waters. He’s so fucking hot I want to see what I could do if I had a chance to please him. I crave an ounce of the control he gives me when he wants me.

I want him to want me.

The gag and blindfold fall to the floor with two flicks of his fingers, and he unzips his pants. I lick my lips when his cock springs free, thick and hard. I lean forward and stroke my tongue along the length.

He groans. I grin and take him fully between my lips, holding his gaze. I love the way his eyes go half-lidded. I love his groans of pleasure and how he jerks his hips. I love the salty, masculine taste of him, his powerful hips on either side, and the way we’re irrevocably entwined in the heat of this moment. I’ve had more passion and pleasure with him in the space of a few days than I’ve had in my entire lifetime.

The more I please him, the louder he groans, and the wetter I get. And for the first time since he dragged me here, the first time since he put a ring on my finger and made me his… I don’t want to leave.


“For women are as roses, whose fair flower, Being once display'd, doth fall that very hour.” ~Twelfth Night, Shakespeare


She sleeps beside me like a little angel with her hands tucked under her chin. Her soft little whiffling sighs make my heart swell. I’ve never felt this way about a woman.

I ease myself out of bed and tuck the blanket up around her shoulders. She sighs and rolls over onto her stomach.

I revel in the way she submitted to me, the wonder in her eyes when I brought out the vulnerable part of her. I’m honored that she’s revealed parts of herself to me I’d be willing to bet she’s never shown anyone before.

Raised in a mafia family, she’s known since infancy that she’d never wed for love, that she was nothing more than a pawn her father would use for his ultimate endgame. In the end, he saved his own ass with his daughter. It’s not uncommon.

Doesn’t make it easy or right, but none of this is. And a part of me wonders if maybe I shouldn’t even hope for a glimpse of something good in this.

But Romeo… Romeo found love. And there’s hope for the rest of us.

I pour myself a shot of whiskey and stare out the window into the gloomy darkness. Moonlight glints on the water behind The Castle. It ripples with a gust of wind, like folds of silk, smooth and calming. I squint ahead of me and tilt my head to the side. Is that a ship coming into harbor? So late? But we have men that man the border and harbors, contacts with law enforcement, and a dirty cop that’d give his left nut for a seat at our table. This isn’t my job. It isn’t my watch.

So I turn my back to the ocean and stare at my bride.

I wonder when she’ll have my child. I wonder if I’ve impregnated her yet. A part of me hopes we’ll have to try a little longer.

I only just got out of the big house. I only just met Elise and have barely begun to scratch the surface on what it will take to get to know her. We’re so new.