“I’m sorry,” I say, but he’s well within his right not to accept my apology. With one command, he could force me to my knees and tell one of my other brothers to pull the trigger. Execute me right then and there in front of my pregnant bride. I wouldn’t even fight him. “Jesus, Romeo.” I shake my head. “You went to hit her, and I saw red.”

“As you should. She’s your wife. I understand. Any of you bastards raised a hand to Vittoria, I’d kill you.”

“So much for blood being thicker than water,” Mario mutters, putting his gun away.

Romeo walks over to me and gives my shoulder a good-natured punch. “Put away your weapons.” He sighs and looks at Elise. “I want her restrained or confined, though, brother. We don’t know who she is or why she’s here and we have questions to ask.”

Fortunately, I’ve got a ready supply of restraints. She doesn’t even fight me when I pull her arms together in front of her and cuff them.

“Nine months,” I tell him. “She has nine months of pregnancy. I’ll keep her here with me. We’ll keep her prisoner. Make sure she brings the baby to term safely, has all her needs met. And then we’ll deal with her after she has the baby.”

She shifts on the bed and rests her hands on her stomach as if she’s trying to protect the baby.

“The baby isn’t going to be hurt.” Jesus, as if I’d hurt my child.

Romeo walks around to her and crouches in front of her, his hands clasped. Squatting, he meets her gaze.

“Do you understand the severity of what you did?” he asks in that deadly tone he uses to interrogate our prisoners. I stand behind him, prepared to defend her and prepared to make her respond, whichever the case may be.

She nods. “I do. I know you could kill me. I knew that from the beginning.”

He draws in a breath, then releases it slowly. “Where’s the real Elise?” he asks. “Is she still alive?”

She blinks, and a tear rolls down her cheek. “I don’t know, and I hope so.”

Behind Romeo, Tavi nods. “She’s telling the truth.”

Romeo shakes his head from side to side. “You knew we’d find out the truth, didn’t you? Eventually? Even Rosa knows the real Elise. You’ve been dodging bullets since you came here.”

“Since I escaped the plane crash,” she whispers. “Yes, I knew.” She meets my gaze over his shoulder. “I did it to help my friend. She once saved my life, and it was only fair I save hers.”

White-hot anger boils up in my belly. “She didn’t come here to die. She came here to be married. I would’ve taken care of her. Protected her.” I turn away with disgust. “Just like I have you.”

She cries freely now, swiping at her tears. “I didn’t know that. And she… she was in love with her bodyguard.” A sob racks her shoulders. “But you killed him. You killed the only man she ever loved.”

“We didn’t kill him,” I begin, but Tavi interrupts.

“I did. She had no right to love anyone,” Tavi snaps. “I called that hit. I fucking knew it was a lie, all of it. I knew he betrayed our family and the Regazzas. I called Regazza and told him I’d end the traitor. He gave me his blessing. Told me to do what I had to.” He shakes his head in disgust. “I hoped she’d come to you with the truth before we had to.”

“I knew it,” she says, shaking her head. “You’re ruthless.”

“You should know that by now,” Tavi says, baring his teeth at her. I take a step toward him before I remember myself. I fist my hands.

Romeo stands and sighs. “Do you have any idea of the whereabouts of her friend?”

“She’s somewhere outside of Italy,” Tavi says. “But earlier tonight, she told her to come to her. Elise Regazza knows her friend is here.” He turns to her. “Didn’t you, Angelina?”



Her real name is Angelina. The name fits her better than Elise.

It all makes sense now, it all clicks into place. The way she never knew Italian. The way she seemed too innocent to have been raised in the mob. The vague way she spoke of her family, and how so many times she didn’t seem to fit the mold.

Romeo turns to me. “You’ll keep her prisoner while we look for the real Elise. While she bears your child?”

My child.

My wife.

It feels so hollow now.

“Of course.”

His eyes focus on mine for long moments, while he works his jaw. “The girls will want to interfere, you know.”

“I know.” Marialena and Vittoria won’t like that she’s prisoner. They’ll fight us. “They’ll have to be kept away.”

“Punish me however you want after the baby’s born,” Angelina says. She lifts her chin bravely and meets my eyes while her own brim with tears. “I’m not sorry I took her place. My only regret is ever lying to you.”