It will take time, the one thing I don’t have.

Nonna walks by me and winks. Marialena sips her coffee and puts it down on the table. “That was a conspiratorial wink if ever I saw one.” She shakes her head. “Wonder what she knows.”

Tosca comes to our table and sits. “So tell me about your family,” she says. “Rosa really enjoyed the time she’s spent with you.”

I slip my hands under the table to hide their trembling, and smile. I stifle an inward groan.

“Ah, my family’s a little crazy. I’m not close with any of them. My mother doesn’t live with us, my father is pretty much only focused on the business, and I’ve spent most of my time with tutors and part of my time in Tuscany. I was sheltered, though. My father didn’t tell me much about what he did…” This is all true so far, if I am indeed Elise.

“Ah, I know all about the sheltered life,” Marialena says with an eye roll. “Though I will admit it’s gotten better since Papa is gone.” Tosca only nods. We talk for a while, and I look around for Orlando. He’s still with his brothers, likely catching up. With a close-knit family like this, I imagine it’s been hard for him to be apart from everyone for so long.

I don’t know why I care. I shouldn’t. I don’t know why it matters at all. He leaves me with his sisters to talk with his brothers, but they’re only the next room over. I sit back, tired but comfortable, while my mind races about all that has to happen. All that I have to do.

I can’t get comfortable here. I can’t let any of this make me grow complacent. I have to figure out where I’m going and what I’m doing. I look around me for an exit and wonder what I’d even do at this point if I were able to get away.

I wonder again…what would he do if he knew who I truly am?

I can’t keep this up forever. I’m surprised I’ve been able to keep it up as long as I have.

I’m leaning back against a leather chair, my eyes closed, when I feel him come up to me. I can smell his signature scent and feel his heat. I smile to myself when his hands come to my shoulders.

“You look tired, piccola.”

“Oh, God, you don’t let him call you that, do you? Ew,” Marialena groans. “That means little one. Don’t let him belittle you!”

It doesn’t feel belittling…

“You keep your nose in your relationship, and I’ll keep mine in mine,” Orlando says with a reproving look that’s a little amused.

“Yeah, like you keep your nose out of any relationship.” She snorts and rolls her eyes. “Are you for real?”

I can’t imagine talking to him like that, but she just spouts off apparently whatever’s on her mind. I don’t ask her any questions.

“Have dinner with me tomorrow, Elise. I have business to do tonight, or I’d take you tonight.”

“Here at The Castle?”

He shakes his head. “No. We’ll go into town and have dinner at a regular restaurant.” He brings his mouth to my ear. “Before I bring you back here for the rest of our honeymoon.”

“I think you like having the duty of making a baby,” I tell him, as my cheeks heat at the very thought.

I can’t get pregnant. I can’t have any more ties here than necessary.

But God, the way I crave him, the way I feel when he’s near me. I even crave the way he looks at me, like he wants to consume me mind, body, and soul. I like the way we fit together, the push and pull we have. He’s smart and witty.

But he’s mafia.

I bat the inner protest away. My best friend was raised in the mafia and my dad is a drug dealer. Maybe I know how to handle people like them.

He’ll never let you go.

Is that a bad thing?

Or maybe I’m sex-crazed and horny and a little lonely.

“Let her come out with us,” Marialena says to Orlando. “I want to get her new things, buy her a ‘congratulations for being married to my literally insane family’ gift. Maybe get her Tarot cards read.”

Orlando scowls. “No.”

“No to what?” I ask. I’d love to pick their brains about anything and everything it means to be a woman in this family.

“Everything. No leaving my side, no congrats and welcome to my insane family gifts, and definitely no Tarot.”

Marialena pouts with her arms crossed on her chest. Her dark brown hair falls into her eyes and her lower lip sticks out. “Aw. Lando, c’mon.”

His eyes gentle at her. “Don’t,” he warns. “You know I can’t say no to you when you call me that.” I watch his fingers drum on the table beside him. “Listen, I want Elise with me today. You’ll have plenty of time to kidnap her and take her for yourself later, got it?”