I can’t garner much control in any of this, but I could have a little fun anyway. I could try.

“Will the walls hear me when I scream when you make me come?”

Those vivid blue eyes of his narrowed on me, and he wagged a finger as he stripped off his white shirt. I saw what his mother did, the flecks of blood. He didn’t make me watch when he ended his prisoner’s life, but I knew exactly what he did on the other side of the wall at the restaurant.

Now I’m lying in bed, my mind racing, while my very hot husband takes a shower on the other side of that translucent glass.

For one brief, crazy moment I let myself wonder… what if I stay?

It’s impossible. Impossible. He wants me to bear his children, like I’m an animal to be bred. And I know how brutal and unforgiving a mafia family like his really is. But the one thing Orlando can give me—undying protection—is the one thing I crave. The most glaring lack in my childhood above all else.

I took care of myself because I had to. Under his watch and protection, I could allow someone else to do it for once.

But it’s a dream. Only a dream. And the price I’d pay is too hefty.

I look at the windows in this huge room. Like the other rooms in The Castle I’ve seen thus far, this one is large but not ostentatious, decorated with sturdy, hefty furniture that can bear the weight of a man like Orlando. I like the privacy of the townhouse in Boston, but the charm of this house surpasses that.

And then I remember. Tuscany. He has a home in Tuscany as well. But no, I wouldn’t be any safer there either, because his sister, the one who supposedly knows Elise, travels back and forth. And Elise’s family might be there as well. I don’t know why that thought even crosses my mind. I suppose it’s born of a sort of desperation.

There’s a knock at the door. Since Orlando’s still in the shower, I push myself out of the bed and go to the door, still making sure I don’t leave his vision when he looks through the shower glass.

I crack the door open a hair. “Yes?”

“So sorry to bother you, miss, but I have your phone.”

I open the door so quickly, the soldier on the other side nearly jumps.

“Is Orlando here?” he asks.

“Oh, he’s showering,” I say with a smile. I snatch the phone right out of his hand. “Thank you for that.”

“Ah…you might give that phone to your husband before you use it. He’ll know you have it.”

“And how would he know that?”

He frowns. “Because I’d tell him, obviously.”

“Didn’t ask for your input, douchebag,” I say, as I slam the door in his face and spin around. Ugh! My heartbeat pounds as I look to the shower. He’s still there. Still showering, even humming a little Italian tune to himself.

My hands shake so badly as I put the phone on, I almost drop it. I turn my back to him so he’ll see me sitting right where he left me, but hopefully not see right away I’m using my phone. I quickly calculate how much phone use I could get if I ran out of this room and locked myself somewhere where he couldn’t find me. Five minutes? And would it be worth the punishment that would surely earn me?

I check my texts. My heart sinks. I’ve got a few from some acquaintances and a few spam advertisements, but not a thing from Elise. Did she not send any to me? Or were they erased?

I dial her number. I’m not surprised when it goes to voice mail. I shoot her a text.

Me: Hey bestie! I’m here at The Castle with my new husband. Need to chat when we can. How are you?

No response, of course. Nothing. I’m shaking with nerves when the shower turns off. What will happen to her if he finds out? What will happen to me?

Is she okay? I don’t even know if she and Piero made it alive and safe. I want to cry.

I slide the phone in the bedside table and lay back on the bed.

An hour later, we’re dressed for dinner and heading downstairs. He has no idea about the phone. I haven’t said anything, and he didn’t ask, so I feel no need to offer that information. He’ll find out soon enough, and it will be on him to prove I did anything wrong.

I go through the motions at dinner, my mind racing with everything I fear, but everyone is nothing but charming. The other brothers have arrived, everyone dressed formally. Marialena’s lent me a dress and shoes, until I can furnish myself a wardrobe.

The food is delicious, and I find it a bit amusing how Orlando and his brothers pack it away.