Page 10 of Oil Rig

He answers a few seconds later. “Yes, boss.”

“That break we talked about,” I say. “To Ho Chi Minh City. Do it.”

“Okay… next Thursday might be a good—”

“No,” I nearly bark. “Now. I want everyone gone by tonight.”

There’s a few seconds of silence. Jamal is probably cursing me for fucking up his day. “Today? But we’d have to shut down the drilling, get the boats ready, get the workers ready—”

“Then do it,” I say as my body aches.

“But the quarterly profits,” he says. “This is going to destroy them. We might even be running at a loss because of this.”

“I don’t care.” I’m willing to lose everything for one night with my girl. I’m willing to give it all up. “This is not about money. This is more important than money.”

Jamal doesn’t understand. That’s okay. He doesn’t have to. I understand that I need this girl more than I need to breathe and I’m willing to deal with all of the consequences this need brings.

“I need everyone gone,” I tell him. “Trust me, no one is going to want to be around after night falls. This rig better only have me and my girl on it.”

“Understood, Shane,” he says with a strained voice.

Jamal is a good worker, a good brother-in-law, and a good friend. I’ll make it worth his while. “If everyone is gone before six pm,” I tell him. “You’ll get a bonus. Thirty percent of your salary.”

“Of my weekly salary?”

I grin. “Yearly salary.”

“It will get done,” he says in a rush before he clicks off for good. It might just be the wind outside, but I think I hear him hollering at everyone to get moving.

That takes care of the wandering eyes on the rig. I won’t have to worry about anyone looking at my girl’s sweet body anymore. She’s mine alone to gawk at now.

I have big plans for tonight.

Plans that involve me, Janice, and not a whole lot of clothes.

I grin as I head back out to check on her. I’m going to have this little hottie all to myself with no one for miles.

My hard cock is already throbbing with anticipation.

“Where’s everyone going?” Janice asks when she spots all the workers getting onto the transport ship. “I thought they all stayed on here.”

“They usually do,” I say as I watch them leave. We’re on top of platform six, watching them board in a line down below. They look thrilled to be getting out for a few days.

I hope Ho Chi Minh City knows what it’s in for with these roughnecks about to descend upon it.

I approved hotel rooms in three different hotels for the workers as well as daily per diems. It’s an all-expense paid vacation courtesy of me. All so I can get Janice alone.

I could have left with her instead of sending all my workers away, but I want her on this rig in the middle of the ocean. I want no one around. I don’t want anyone to interrupt. I want it to be just us.

“So, where are they going?” she asks as she looks up at me.

Those sexy blue eyes slay me every time. It’s like they’re cutting me off at the knees whenever they land on me, making me feel all weak and shaky with their beautiful intensity.

“I sent them off,” I tell her. “For a much-needed break.”

“Is it just going to be us here tonight?”

She swallows as she waits for my answer, looking at me with a look that I can’t quite place. Is it eagerness, apprehension, hopefulness? She’s playing her cards close to her chest, not quite revealing if she’s feeling this intense desire as well, or if it’s just me.

“It will be just us,” I say, but there’s something that feels wrong about not giving her an option. “Unless…”

Her eyebrows raise.

“Look, Janice,” I say with a scratch in my throat. “I’m not holding you hostage here, even though I’d really like to. You can go with them if you’d like. I have a helicopter that I’m licensed to fly. I can take you anywhere within range that you’d like to go.”

She watches me, those blue eyes killing me and making my soul ache.

“But if you decide to stay…” I take a deep breath, collecting my words carefully. “We’ll have dinner. And then, we’ll have each other. Just us. Exploring this intense connection that I know you feel.”

The breeze is swirling through her hair and she pulls it out of her face as she looks up at me. “Where would I sleep?”

I turn and look back at the tower that’s my personal residence. Her eyes follow mine.

“I’m not going to lie to you. If you stay, I’m not going to be strong enough to let you sleep away from me. I want you in my bed. There are so many things I want to do to you.”