Page 5 of Oil Rig

But what Jamal said has gotten to me. It’s been nibbling at the back of my mind like a persistent little rat. Maybe I am ready to move on.

Ready to have an office on dry land and come home to a pretty little thing every night. Someone with a sweet smile that I can spoil. Someone who can give me a house full of kids. Someone who spreads their legs for me every night and lets me slip into their warm wet pussy.

I groan just thinking about it. It’s something I’ve never cared about, but now… I don’t know… Something’s changing. Maybe I’m getting older. Maybe I’m feeling the time starting to slip away. Or, maybe I just need to get off this damn rig for a few days.

“Here are some recommended accounting changes to implement this quarter,” Wallace says as he hands me another paper. “I’d like to get your approval on them.”

I can barely look at the papers with all this unfamiliar need flowing through my veins.

Luckily, there’s a knock at the door and I can put down the papers. “What is it?”

The door opens a crack and Jamal pops his head in. “The girl from the boat is here.”

I perk up. “Is she okay?”

He nods. “She was a bit thirsty, but she’s fine. She’d like to say thank you for taking her in.”

Hopefully, it won’t take too long. I don’t have much patience to deal with this hippie while I’m feeling all edgy inside.

“Alright,” I say with a sigh. “Send her in.”

Jamal swings the door open and my quick glance turns into a stunned, open-mouthed stare as the most mesmerizing girl I’ve ever seen walks in.

My core clenches. My heart beats frantically. I’m shaky all over as I stare in wonder and awe as she steps into my office.

This is the girl? This is the girl from the boat?

Fucking hell, if I knew she was in that boat I would have dove off the edge of the rig and swam to her. She’s a goddess. A gift.

She’s wearing a loose short-sleeved pink shirt and cut-off jean shorts. I swallow hard as I look her over, wanting to take my time and study every enticing inch. She’s all tatted up on her left arm. A long beautiful sleeve of ink runs from under her sleeve all the way down to her wrist—a colorful design of whales and dolphins leaping out of waves.

I look up at her face and it’s like a hand has reached into my chest and is squeezing my soul. I can’t breathe with those sexy blue eyes on me. Long blonde hair tumbles down around her in waves, the saltwater giving her hair a surfer, all-day-at-the-beach kind of vibe. She has several tiny braids with colorful beads at the tips mixed in with her loose hair.

My hands clench around my armrests as she looks at me from under those long black lashes. I’ve never felt desire like this. It’s incapacitating. It’s unreal. I feel paralyzed as I sit here under her spell.

Those pink lips… fuck, I can’t stop staring at them. I want to cup those beautiful cheeks and pull her mouth to mine. I want to taste her innocence. I want to ruin her with sin.

“How long were you lost at sea?” Wallace asks innocently.

A low possessive growl rumbles out of my throat as I turn to him with deadly eyes. “Get. Out.”

He jerks his head back in shock as he turns to me with wide eyes. “Sir?”

“You heard me. Get out.”

He’s confused, I’m sure. So am I. I’ve never talked to him like this before, but he doesn’t question me or linger around to find out what’s up. He quickly gathers his papers and rushes out the door, passing my sweet girl without a look. Wallace always was a smart one.

Jamal looks equally confused in the doorway. He’s looking at me like I’ve lost my mind.

If he only knew. My mind is gone. It’s absorbed with this goddess standing in front of me. All rationality gone. All control gone.

It’s just her. She’s all that’s left. She’s all that matters.

“Close the door, Jamal. Leave us.”

He glances at my girl in confusion and then closes the door. I feel a rush of fury ripping through me at that look. I don’t like anyone’s eyes on her except for mine. She belongs to me.

She’s mine alone.

I’ll make sure every roughneck on this fucking rig knows that or they’ll lose their neck. There’s no way in hell I’m going to allow my girl to be gawked at by a bunch of cavemen as she saunters around my rig. I’ll throw anyone with wandering eyes to the sharks.

“Are you okay?” I hear myself ask in a shaky voice. Someone should be asking me that. I’ve never felt less okay, less in control. This girl has rocked me something fierce.