You know, for the last three books, I have forgotten to write an acknowledgment section. Who let me in here?

To my husband, first and foremost, because he gets to watch his wife turn into multiple demonic entities every single time I’m writing (you know… my method of writing is a problem).

To my children, because without you I wouldn’t need the escape of these beautiful fictional worlds… I joke. I love my children. Don’t call child services on me.

To my closest friends. I don’t need to name all three of you. (This is seriously a bad joke—again, who let me in here?)

To Sarah Grim Sentz, for always being my biggest supporter and confidant.

To Serena, for still being my PA even though I’m an asshole to deal with because I forget everything and am more like a stray lioness than an actual human.

To Mel for making my newsletters all pretty every month and also dealing with the lioness.

To my editors—I cannot thank you all enough. Ellie McLove from My Brother’s Editor, Petra, Paige Smith, Becky—you all contribute to making sure every manuscript is the best that I can put out. Thank you!

To my cover designer, Jay Aheer! Thank you for creating art.

To Stacey Blake, who always delivers the most beautiful formatting designs.

To my WOLVESSSS! For being my biggest inspiration, cheer team, and family. Gang, gang! That is a song… please don’t come for me.

To my Blogger and Bookstagram teams, thank you SO SO much for all of the work you do for me leading up to a release! You ladies are incredible.

To the bloggers who sign up for my ARCs and Promo—thank you! I am so appreciative for all the time you set aside to read my new books, and then review them. I cannot tell you how thankful I am for each and every one of you.

Social Butterfly PR, Jenn, Shan, and the girls—thank you for working with me always.

Candi PR, thank you, woman! I hope I don’t drive you too crazy with being spooky in general.

Last but definitely not least, my damn readers. MY READERS. My loyalty to you all is unmatched. I hope I always do you proud. Love you forever.

Now this is the part where I get paranoid that I have forgotten someone. I swear, this is why I shouldn’t do these because now I’m going to be up all night, stressing that I’ve forgotten someone.

Hmmm, I think I covered it.

I am thankful for you too. Yes, you. YOU! Thank you for being here and reading my words. For taking a chance on a story from me. I’m honored.

—A xo


Sonia Grilletta


This one is for you, Queen. May you continue to rest in love. Maybe Julia will come by and read this one to you, so you can get some Madship answers.

Love always,

Amo Jones.


NOTHING IS GOING TO MAKE sense once you flip open this first chapter. You’re going to wonder why the fuck I made the decisions I did. Why he did what he did. I’m not going to make this easy for you. I’m going to guide you through loops that you’re going to wish I had just skipped, but I’m not going to do that either. You’re going to feel my pain, my loss, and my heart breaking in my chest. You’re going to watch me trip and fall, and get back up again. You’re going to wish you could slap the shit out of Bishop and me, but among all… I’m going to take you back to when I left the love of my life, and ran.