Once the movie was over and the television shut off, the room descended into darkness. I’d admit it was hard to get to sleep with him right there, feet away. I felt like he could hear every breath, every rustle of the comforter.

“So, when did you first get stung?” His husky voice startled me out of my reverie.

“Huh?” I asked, feeling disoriented by the question.

“By a bee. You said you were young?”

“Jesus Christ, what’s your obsession with me and bees?”

When he burst into a hearty laugh, I found it was contagious.

“Just making conversation, Maclain. We know baseball and could talk about it all night, but I don’t know much about you outside of that. Just forget it.”

I heard him shift away and felt guilty. He was right. We didn’t know each other, and I found I was curious about him—way more than I ought to be. I’d always fought it because I didn’t want it to lead to me being attracted to him even more. But I also didn’t want to be a dick. Well, within reason.

“When I was a kid,” I said, staring at the ceiling, “I guess I loved smelling flowers, and there was a bee in one. My mom rescued me with a trip to the emergency room, but I was terrified afterward, and that was why she gave me the stupid bee.”

“Do you still love flowers?” he asked, and, damn, I’d never been asked that question before. Not that I’d ever told anybody that story. Fucking Girard.

“Who do you think planted the garden in front of our house? Not Donovan or Hollister, that’s for sure.”

I heard a little gasp. “Stop it. Don’t even play.”

“I did. I mulched in the fall and then planted spring flowers—mostly perennials so they’d come up on their own every year.” It felt good to do it. I enjoyed having my hands in the dirt. It was different than the dusty kind at the field. Should even think about doing it more, after all this was over and I was well into a career. Sometimes I pictured planting herbs on a windowsill somewhere, but I’d admit it all felt a little murky.

“Fuck, Maclain, you are full of surprises.”

“Thanks?” That was a good thing, right?

Girard snickered, and I wanted to know what that was for, but I didn’t ask. He was full of surprises too and, right now, lying in the dark when he was so close to me and we were completely alone was really tripping up my brain. I’d always fantasized about just such a scenario, but it had always involved something sexy to satisfy that part of me I tried so hard to keep at bay.

But just talking and hanging with him was satisfying in a different way. No doubt he’d make fun of me for saying it. But truth was, he was sort of friends with everyone on the team, and I’d never been that social, so it felt good having his undivided attention like this.

“Do you have a favorite flower?”

“Why, you plan on buying me some?” I quipped, then clamped my mouth shut. Why in the hell had I said that?

He chuckled. “I like when you don’t choose your words so carefully and just say whatever’s on your mind. Unless it’s a string of curses, of course.”

I grew quiet because he was right. I did stay pretty buttoned up unless I was pissed or poking fun. It was my shield, and I wore it well.

“Peonies,” I replied eventually.

“There you go again,” he said around a yawn. “Why?”

“Why do I like them?”


I could tell he was close to zonking out. I supposed I should’ve been flattered that he kept right on asking, even when he was having trouble keeping his eyes open.

“I guess because their season is so short-lived—only a couple of weeks—so it feels like a bit of a wonder to see them. Plus, they smell good.”

“Gotta stop with the bombshells,” Girard whispered, and then after another long beat, I could tell he’d fallen asleep.

I turned over, glad for the absence of light so I could hide my smile. Why I was smiling was something altogether confusing. Maybe I liked talking to Girard about everyday stuff, which was distressing if you put it together with everything else I appreciated about him. His voice was soothing to me even as he asked his inane questions, but I’d never admit it. So, for the moment, as I slipped off into my own dreamland, I’d simply allow myself to enjoy it.



Getting ready for the game in a more comfortable silence than the night before felt nice. I made us shitty hotel coffee and discovered Maclain liked it black, and then we rode the elevator down together to meet the team. Almost like we were friends, even though logically I knew if we hadn’t been forced to room together, we would still be standing on opposite ends of the lobby.