It turns out luck isn’t on my side.

Chapter 3


It’s been two full weeks since the Blaze game that rocked my universe on its axis. It’s also been two weeks that I’ve been able to avoid my dad. My excuse was work. As the new athletic trainer for the Tennessee Blaze, it was believable. However, my luck has run out as I stare down at the text message I just received.

Mom: Dinner at our place tonight.

Me: What if I had plans?

Mom: You can’t avoid your father forever, Paisley.

Me: Fine. I’m bringing Willow.

Mom: She’s always welcome.

Me: What time?

Mom: I’ll have dinner ready at six.

Me: Okay.

There is no use in arguing with her because I know she’s right. Dad has been calling me, and I’ve used the excuse that either I’m too busy or too exhausted to talk. I know he can see right through me, but it’s bought me some time. It’s bad enough that I know he’s calling to talk about the guy I was, in his words, “all over at that game,” two weeks ago. I already can’t stop thinking about Cameron and that kiss. The way he held my face as if I was important to him—the soft yet firm press of his lips. And then there’s the hand holding. I didn’t know that it was possible to fantasize about holding someone’s hand. Not even in my younger years did that happen.

It’s not just that. It’s the deep timbre of his voice, the way he filled out that T-shirt, the muscles, and his tattoos. Cameron Taylor is the total package and kisses like he’s been trained to do so. I can’t tell you how many nights in the past two weeks I’ve fallen asleep thinking about him and waking up the same way. Actually, that’s not true. I can tell you. Every damn night he’s with me.

I admit not getting his last name for myself or his phone number was a stupid mistake on my part. I’ve heard Willow talk about fate and how that’s her plan to find the love of her life. Her plan is to shamelessly flirt until then. Not that I think Cameron is the love of my life. I mean, I guess he could have been, but my dumbass walked away without a way to get ahold of him. Not my best decision.

However, as it turns out, the media found him for me. He’s a player for the Tennessee Outlaws, the Blaze farm team. I have the connections and the resources to find him, to reach out to him, but something is holding me back. I almost want to leave it in fate’s hands. If we meet again, then maybe we’ll see if something is there. And if not? Well, we will always have our day at the game and the kiss that rocked my world.

After cleaning up the training room, I make my way to my small office, grab my purse, and head out. As soon as I’m in my car and headed toward our condo, I dial Willow.

“Hey. Are you on your way home?”

“Yeah, but I have bad news.”

“What? Are you okay?” I can hear the concern in her voice.

“No. We have to have dinner with my parents tonight.” Willow’s reply is to laugh raucously in my ear. “It’s not funny, Wil,” I whine.

“Yes, it is. Your dad has been after you for two weeks. Let me guess, the invitation came from your mom?” she asks, hitting the nail on the head.


“What time do we need to be there? No way am I missing this,” she says, still sputtering with laughter.

“Traitor. I changed my mind. You can’t come.”

“Oh, that’s fine. I’ll just call Larissa. You know as well as I do, she’s going to extend the invitation.”

“Brat.” I stick my tongue out for good measure even though she can’t see me.

“You know it. See you soon,” she says and ends the call.

For the remainder of my drive home, I’m thinking of how to divert my dad’s attention toward my new job and away from Cameron. No matter what angle I think of, I know well enough that it won’t work. I’m going to have to face the music. In this case, Easton Monroe. He’s always been fiercely protective of his girls. That includes Mom, me, and my two younger sisters. I knew this was coming. I just hoped I could avoid it a little longer.

When I pull into our condo complex, Willow is sitting on the bench outside. She rushes toward the car, pulling open the passenger door. “What if I needed to go inside?” I ask her once she shuts the door.