“Did he do something?”

“No. No, he’s… everything.”

“Paisley,” she says with pain in her voice. “I hate that you’re hurting. What can I do?”

“Nothing, Mom. I just need some time. Listen, I’m missing the movie. I need to go. I’ll call you in a few days. Love you.”

“Love you too.” I don’t wait for her to say more. I hit end and toss my phone beside me on the couch.

“You good?” Willow asks.

“I will be.” I hope.

“Why don’t we grab a hotel room for the night?” Willow suggests. “That way when he comes back, you won’t have to listen…” Her voice trails off.

“You know what? I love that idea. How soon can you be ready?” I ask.

“Give me five.” We both scurry from the couch to pack a bag.

Eight minutes later, we’re leaving our condo, overnight bags in hand. “I’ll drive,” I tell her.

“We should both drive. That way, he’s not beating on our door all night. He’ll know that neither of us is home.”

“Good plan.” I nod.

“Follow me.” Willow gives me a sad smile before climbing into her car. I do the same, following her all the way to the other side of town. Away from our condo and away from the stadium.

Away from Cameron.

Chapter 28


The drive to the stadium didn’t take long. That could have something to do with my urgency to get there and my lead foot. I might have broken some speed limit laws, but this is of utter importance. I have to do this now. Today. I can’t go another night without her in my arms. It just can’t happen.

Pulling into the players’ lot, I park my truck and head inside. As soon as I hit the button to call the elevator, the door slides open. I should have called, but I know he’s here. He’s got at least one trade to take care of.


The doors slide open, and his secretary smiles. “He in?” I ask her, not bothering to stop.

She nods as her smile drops. Apparently, I look as bad as I feel. I keep moving past her desk, my stride long and full of purpose as I reach his office door. I don’t knock. Instead, I walk on in like I own the place. Drew looks up from his computer and smiles.

“Cameron,” he says. His face drops when he takes in my appearance. “You okay?”

“No.” I take the seat in front of his desk. The same one I was in a few weeks ago when I signed my contract. The same seat where I believed my life was working out. I had everything I ever wanted and some of it in part to the man sitting across from me, and now, he wants to take it all away.

“Tell me what I can do?”

“You can start by tearing up my contract. I don’t care what I have to do. I’ll pay whatever I have to pay to get out of it. It may take me some time to make it happen, but I’ll do it.”

“What?” He seems surprised.

“She told me. Paisley, she told me you were trading me, and I can’t leave her.”

“Where did she hear that?” he asks, sitting forward, resting his elbows on his desk. His gaze is passive, not giving anything away.

“She heard you!” I yell. “She heard you, and she thinks that if she leaves me that you won’t trade me. She doesn’t think we can work long distance, and I can’t fucking breathe without her,” I say, gripping my hair. I look up to find his brow furrowed.