“What are you going to do?”

“The only thing that I can think of.”

“What’s that?” She eyes me warily.

“I have to break up with him.”

Chapter 26


I check my phone yet again, but there’s still no reply from Paisley. That’s not like her. I try to tell myself that she and Willow are just lost in catching up, but something nags at me, telling me it’s more than that. That’s why when Miller says he’s heading out, I use it as my chance to bail too.

“I’m heading out too,” I tell them.

“You and Paisley have plans later?” Henderson asks.

“I’m not sure. She’s with Willow now.” He nods like he already knows. “Something going on there?” I ask.

“Not sure yet.”

“But you want there to be?”

He gives me a slow, gradual nod. “Yeah, I think I might.”

“Treat her right.” I point at him.

“No other way, my man.” He holds his hand out for a fist bump.

With a wave to the rest of my teammates, I head to my truck. It’s taken me longer to get home than usual, due to traffic. There’s a concert tonight, and the town is already packed. When I pull into my parking spot in front of my condo, I have a small sigh of relief when I see both Willow’s and Paisley’s cars parked in front of theirs.

I shake my head at my craziness, and all because she didn’t text me back. I know she’s been missing her best friend, and they’re more than likely caught up in chatting each other’s ears off. However, there is still this underlying sense that some things are not right. I know what will fix that. I just need to see her. I need to wrap my arms around her and breathe her in, and all will be well. I can go back to my place and wait for girls’ day to be over.

That’s what I need. I’m grabbing my phone from the cupholder and the keys from the ignition, and my legs carry me to their front door. My knuckles rap on the door three times, and I wait.

When the door opens, it’s Willow who answers. “Hey, Willow. Is Paisley still here?” She gives me a sad nod and steps back.

“Hey,” Paisley says. Her eyes are red and swollen, and my gut twists. I fucking knew it.

“What’s wrong?” I step into their condo and pull her into my arms. She starts to sob, gripping my shirt. I look over her shoulder at Willow for guidance, and she, too, has tears in her eyes. “Baby?” I hold her tight, absorbing her tears and feeling her pain. I don’t know how long we stand here, me holding her and her gripping my shirt as if her life depends on it while tears soak us both.

When she steps out of my hold, I run my eyes over her, looking to see if she’s been hurt. “Paisley?”

“I need a minute,” she says, not meeting my eyes. “Can you head on over to your place, and I’ll be there soon?”

“What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”

She holds her hand to her mouth and shakes her head. “I’m okay,” she finally says.

“Is someone hurt? Anyone?”

“No. It’s okay. I’ll-I’ll be over in a minute. I just need to talk to Willow quickly.”

“I don’t want to leave you.”

She looks me dead in the eye. “I promise you I’ll be right over. Five minutes tops.”

My eyes flash from her to Willow and back again. “Okay. Five minutes, and I’m coming back.”