Chapter 22


“Are we going home first?” I ask Paisley as we drive back into town.


“What time do we have to be at your parents’?”

“Dinner starts at six.”

It’s fifteen minutes until five. We stopped for ice cream on the way home and stayed longer than we should have. It was her idea, but I needed it. We sat on a bench at a nearby park and ate our ice cream like we didn’t have a care in the world. We got a few looks, and I’m pretty sure some cell phones were pointed our way, but the park wasn’t very busy, and those who were there left us alone.

“You sure you don’t want to just head over there now?” I ask.

“I’m sure.” She rolls her head to the left to smile over at me. That smile, I dream about it. It’s one I can wake up to every day for the rest of my life.

When we pull in front of my condo, she jumps out of the truck and rushes to stand on the sidewalk before turning and waiting for me. “You good?” I ask.

“I’m perfect.” She laces her fingers through mine and pulls me to the door. Shoving the key into the lock, I push it open for her, and she walks in. I follow her, and as soon as the door is shut, I turn, and she’s there pressing her hands against my chest and pushing me against it.

She rises on her toes and places her mouth a breath from mine. “I want you.” She falls back and unbuttons her jeans, sliding them down her hips.

Not one to ever disappoint her, I do the same, kicking my jeans and boxer briefs to the side, not giving a fuck where they land. Next is my shirt, and I’m standing before her naked. I reach for my cock and stroke it lazily as I watch her pull her shirt off as well. I lick my lips, gripping my cock a little tighter as she reaches behind her and unsnaps her bra. She’s quick to remove it from her body, letting it fall to the floor.

She reaches out and places her hand over mine, and together, we stroke my cock. I slide my free hand behind her neck and kiss her feverishly. I will never get enough of her. Never.


“Yeah, baby?” I ask against her lips.

“I need you.”

“Condom. My wallet,” I tell her.

“Were you a Boy Scout?” she asks, bending to grab my wallet out of my jeans. She finds it easily, dropping my wallet after. She tears the pack open and slides the offending latex over my length. I hate using these with her. I’d give anything to feel her bare—skin to skin, her hot, wet heat. I groan out loud at the thought.

“No. But when my girlfriend is sexy as fuck, you never know when you’re going to need one,” I finally answer. Lifting her in my arms, I turn her back to the wall in the entryway. She squeals and laughs, wrapping her arms and legs around me.

“You know, we don’t really need them.” I freeze and look at her. “I’m on the pill.”

“You tell me this now?”

She shrugs. “We’ve never talked about it. We probably should have. I know we talked about our past experiences, but we never really discussed birth control.”

“I’m healthy. I used them out of respect for you. It’s your choice.”

“It’s our choice. I’m healthy too, but this is something we decide together.”

“And your vote?” I ask, trailing my lips down her neck.

“I don’t want anything between us.”

My heart pounds like a drum in my chest. “You sure about that?” I ask, pulling away to look her in the eye. “There is still a chance of pregnancy, right? I mean, nothing is a hundred percent effective.”

“There’s a chance, a small one.”

“And you’re willing to take that risk?” What I really want to say is that imagining her carrying a part of me inside her turns me on more than I ever imagined it would.