“How’s work?” Cameron asks once we are sitting in the living room relaxing.

“Oh, you know, long shifts, bossy doctors, same old.” She laughs.

“You know I signed that contract, right? With my new agent?” Cameron asks her.

“Yes. You told me. I’m so proud of you.”

“You should quit your job and move closer to us.”

“What?” She freezes as she stares at her son. She places her hand over her heart, and tears well in her eyes. “I love you, son, so very much, but it’s not your responsibility to care for me.”

“Why? You worked two jobs to give me what I needed growing up. I want to pay you back for that.”

“Cameron, you are my son. That was my job. To take care of you and give you the world. And as far as paying me back, you’ve done that tenfold. Look at the man you are today. You have an incredible career in a sport you’ve loved since you were a toddler. You have an amazing woman in your life, and I couldn’t be prouder of you.”

“I want to do this.”

“I want you to focus on you, Cameron. Build your life.” Her eyes flash to me quickly before they are back on her son. “Build your family. Your future.”

“I can do that and support you.”

“I know you can, but I don’t need you to. I’m happy here. I love my house and the memories I have of you growing up here. I may complain about my job, but I love it. I don’t dread going to work every day like so many people I know. I’m good, Cameron.”

“At least consider letting me buy you a place closer to us,” he says. Grace’s eyes flash to me again, and she grins. She didn’t miss the way he said, “us,” either. I wonder if it made her heart pitter-patter in her chest like it did mine.

“We can get you a job there.” Cameron looks at me, but I’m not sure for what.

“It’s an hour’s drive.”

“What happens when we have kids?” he asks her.

“We will cross that bridge when we come to it,” she tells him gently.

“Mom. Please, let me do this for you.”

“No. I love you for it. I love your heart, son. This is your time. Nothing makes me happier than to see you happy and thriving. Successful.” She smiles, tears in her eyes. “When you become a father, you’ll understand,” she tells him.

“Stubborn woman,” Cameron mutters, making Grace and me laugh.

The doorbell rings, and Grace stands to answer it.

“Hey.” I reach over and place my hand on his thigh. “You all right?”

“She’s stubborn.”

“Maybe.” I shrug. “I can’t say. I’ve never been in her shoes, but she’s entitled to her own life. You can’t change that.”

“Cameron.” Grace’s voice is hesitant as she steps back into the room, only she’s not alone.

“Mom,” Cameron replies. I don’t have to look at him to know his gaze is more than likely locked on the man standing beside his mom with his hand on the small of her back.

“I’d like you to meet Gerald.” She looks at the man beside her, and her shoulders visibly relax when he smiles at her. “He’s….” She looks at Cameron and back at Gerald.

“I’m her boyfriend,” Gerald answers. He steps forward and holds out his hand for Cameron. “It’s nice to meet you. Grace talks about you all the time.”

I have to elbow him to get him to reach out and take Gerald’s hand. Gerald moves his eyes to me. “You must be Paisley. Nice to meet you,” Gerald says, offering me his hand as well.

I accept it. “You too,” I tell him, and Cameron growls from beside me.