I turn in his hold, looping my arms around his neck. “You need to hang out with your team, and I’ve been neglecting my best friend.”

“Fine.” He relents and presses his lips to mine. “Are we meeting back at my place or yours?”

“Yours is fine.”

“What time?”

“I’ll text you.”

“Let it be noted, I’m not a fan of girls’ night,” he mumbles.

“You’ll get used to it,” Willow chimes in. “Especially in the off-season.”

“We have to keep her, right?” he asks with a wicked grin.

“Hey!” Willow swats at his shoulder.

“Go. Have fun with the guys.”

“Yo! Taylor? You coming tonight?” Henderson calls out as he walks past.

“Yeah, I’m coming,” Cameron says, kissing me one more time.

“You can bring your girl and her friend,” Henderson says. I look over to see him standing next to Willow.

“Go.” I push at Cameron’s chest. “Have fun. I’ll text you when we’re on our way home.”

“I won’t drink in case you need a ride.”

“No way, Taylor. We never get you to hang out with us. You’re drinking. Our game isn’t until tomorrow night. You have time to sleep it off.”

“Fine. One beer,” Cameron concedes.

“Have fun.” I wave at him.

“Love you, P.”

“Love you too,” I call out.

“Fuck, man, you’re in deep, aren’t you?” I hear Henderson ask him.

Cameron stops walking and looks over his shoulder. “Not deep enough.” He winks and turns back around, walking off with his teammate.

“Wow,” Willow comments as we watch the two of them walk off.

“Yeah,” I agree. I’m certain her wow has something to do with Henderson and the jeans he’s wearing, and well, mine has everything to do with Cameron.

“Right. Let’s go home and change. The girls at work were telling me about this great little bar not far from here. They claim it’s super low-key. I thought that was best, considering you’re famous now and all that.”

“What do you mean ‘I’m famous’?” I ask in disbelief.

“You and your man are all over the social networks and sports channels. Baseball’s golden girl falls for an up-and-comer. And they love the fact that he plays the same position that your dad played.”

“Just ignore all that crap,” I tell her.

“Oh, I do, but others not so much. I thought keeping it chill, sharing a few drinks, and catching up was the best avenue to take.”

“We can just grab some takeout and a bottle of wine and stay in.”