“Fine,” she grumbles, leaving my room, before leaning over the back of the couch to kiss me. “I’m ready.”

“Great.” Standing from the couch, I offer her my hand and lead her out the door. When I head toward her place, she pulls on my hand.

“What are we doing?”

“You’ll see,” I say as I continue to her door. I knock once, and the door flies open. Willow greets us, smiling.

“Hey. Ready?” she asks.

“Wil?” Paisley asks. “What’s going on?”

Willow points her finger at me. “Your man here told me I wasn’t allowed to tell you.” She shrugs, and bounces off to my truck.

“Cam, what’s going on?”

“I told you. I have a surprise for you.”

“I thought that was code for you and me spending the day together.”

“We are spending the day together.”

“Alone,” she says under her breath.

“That’s later. Trust me. No way am I not getting some alone time with you on our day off. But first, I have a surprise for you.” She opens her mouth to speak but quickly closes it. “Speechless?” I ask her.

“Kind of, yeah. I can’t figure out what you’re up to.”

“You’ll see.” I lead her to the passenger side of my truck and open the door for her.

“When can we tell her?” Willow asks when I slide in behind the wheel.

I glance in the rearview mirror at her. “Not until we get there.”

“Please, let me tell her,” Willow begs.

“No.” I busted my ass to arrange today. It’s been a challenge, and at times, I even felt like I was cheating on her. I was dodging phone calls so I could take them when she was in the shower or away from the locker room, which is a whole other mess. It’s a lot of work to plan a surprise, especially when you spend so much time with the person you’re trying to surprise.

“Fine,” she grumbles, sitting back and crossing her arms over her chest. I can’t help but chuckle at her.

“The suspense is killing me,” Paisley says from her seat beside me.

“Give us about fifteen more minutes or so, and we’ll be there.”

“Wait,” Willow announces. I glance at her in the mirror, and she’s digging through her purse. She smiles as she lifts an eye mask. “We should make her wear this.”

I glance over at Paisley and think about her reaction when she sees what I’ve organized for today. “Babe? You up for being blindfolded?”

Her eyes heat, and she bites down on her lip.

“None of that,” Willow says as she leans forward and sticks her head between the seats to talk to Paisley. “We’re not talking kinky here, P. It’s just for the surprise,” she quips.

“Fine,” Paisley agrees. “I’m already this far in. What’s a little blindfold to top off the experience.” My cock twitches at her willingness to be blindfolded. I’m not into that particular brand of kink, but I can definitely see the benefits of blindfolding her and kissing every inch of her skin.

“That’s the spirit,” Willow tells her.

Willow and Paisley make small talk about work and friends they know from college. I’m content to just drive and listen to them. It’s nice to know we have the entire day to do whatever we want. We don’t have to rush to the stadium or the bus or airport for an away game. The season is almost over, and I don’t know what that means for me. I do know that Hastings is out for the rest of the season, so I know I’m here until then. After that? Well, I’m not so sure. It’s up in the air right now.

“Okay, P, we’re getting close,” Willow says. She hands Paisley the blindfold and helps her put it on. “How many fingers am I holding up?” Willow asks. She leans forward and holds up three fingers in front of Paisley.