“You’ve met her?” Dad asks.

“I have. A few times, actually.” I hold his gaze as he processes what I just said.

“This is serious then?” Dad asks. This time, it’s Cameron he’s looking at instead of me.

He tightens his grip on my leg under the table while holding my dad’s stare. “Yes.” Just one word. No explanation. Then again, none is needed.

“It’s a little soon to be serious, don’t you think?” Dad asks.

“Easton!” Mom scolds him.

“Baby, I’m just speaking the truth. They’ve known each other a handful of weeks, and it’s serious. She’s too young for that.”

“Easton Monroe. Have years of marriage and three girls made you lose your memory? Do you not remember our dating history?”

“That’s different.”

“Explain that.” Mom crosses her arms over her chest and gives him a look that tells us she’s not playing. It’s her mom look, the serious one.

“She’s our little girl. She’s only twenty-two. She’s too young to be serious.”

“I’m not even going to dignify that with a response.” Mom rolls her eyes. “Paisley is an adult. She’s a college graduate, has a career, pays her own bills, and has the freedom to date whomever she wants.”

The server delivers our food, and we all dig in. The table is quiet, and my heart sinks. I was so hoping this would go better. Cameron’s mom was so good to me, and that was weeks ago when we first met. I love my dad, but sometimes he’s just too over-the-top.

“Hey,” Cameron murmurs in my ear. I turn to look at him, and he’s still leaning in close, ignoring anyone and everyone but me. “You all right?” he asks softly.


“You want to get out of here?”

“That’s just going to make it worse,” I whisper.

“I don’t care, Paisley. What I care about is you. If you’re over this, we’ll leave.”

“That’s going to give him more ammunition,” I tell him.

He drops his fork and lifts his hand to cradle my face. I hear Mom sigh and Dad grunt, but I ignore them. “You are my priority,” Cameron says. This time, his voice is strong and no longer a whisper. “Say the word, baby. I’ve got you always,” he says, leaning in to press his lips to my forehead.

“Mr. Taylor, can you remove your hands from my daughter?” Dad seethes.

“No, sir,” Cameron answers, never taking his eyes from mine. “She’s upset.”

“Princess?” Dad asks. This time his voice is soft and a reminder of the man who raised me. Not this stubborn brute who is trying to scare off my boyfriend.

“Dad?” I reply, turning to face him.

“What’s wrong?”

“Really? Are you going to sit there and ask me that? You’re being an ass, Dad.”

“Paisley,” he warns.

I look across the table. “Thanks for dinner, Mom. Parker, Peyton, I’ll call you both soon.” With that, I push back from the table and stand. Cameron eases back his chair and does the same, placing his hand on the small of my back.

“Sit down, young lady,” Dad says, his voice stern.

“I’m a grown woman, and you no longer get to dictate my life. Cameron is a good man. The best I’ve known next to you. He’s good to me. He puts me first. I don’t know what more you could ask for? Call me when you decide to be reasonable.” With that, I turn and walk away.