“And I’ve told you that I like doing things for you. Give me this, please?”

“Fine,” she grumbles, but I can see the slight tilt of her lips as she tries to hide her smile.

Climbing out of the truck, I see her family waiting in front of the restaurant for us. I can feel their stares as I make my way to the passenger side to open Paisley’s door. I offer her my hand, and she takes it, this time her smile lighting up her entire face. “You’re beautiful,” I tell her as we walk hand in hand toward the front entrance of the restaurant.

“Are you trying to charm me, Cameron Taylor? I think it’s my dad you want to use all that Taylor charm on.”

“Nope. All my charm is yours,” I say, making her throw her head back in laughter.

“What did we miss?” Parker asks.

“Nothing. Cam’s just being Cam.” Paisley smiles up at me, and my heart misses a beat. I’ll do whatever it takes to see that smile on her face every single day.

“Ready?” Larissa asks us.

“Yes,” Paisley says. Her body is relaxed as she leans into me, and her voice is steady. Hell yes, my girl is ready. She’s got me in her corner, and I’ll always be here for her to lean on.

Chapter 15


Cameron pulls out my chair and waits for me to sit before taking the one beside me as his own. He immediately places his hand on my leg under the table, and the contact is soothing.

“Paisley, guess what?” Peyton asks.

“What?” I give her my full attention. Well, as much as I can. There’s always a part of me focused on Cameron, even when he’s not this close and touching me.

“I’m signing up for drama club.”

“Really? That’s awesome. What made you decide to do that?” I ask my youngest sister.

“Well, Mom’s always saying how dramatic I am, so I thought I might as well try it and see how it goes.”

“Are you giving up softball?” I ask her.

“No.” Her answer is hard and firm. “This is just something to keep me occupied until softball season starts.”

“Will it overlap?” I clarify.

“I don’t know. I guess I better make sure. I’m not giving up softball,” she says adamantly.

“I’m sure it will work out, lady,” Dad tells her.

Our server appears, and we place our orders. As soon as he steps away from the table, Dad turns his attention to Cameron. “So, Cameron, tell us about you,” he says, sitting back in his chair. He’s at the head of the table with Mom at his side. I’m on the other side with Cameron next to me. Peyton is next to Mom, and Parker is directly across from Dad. At least I’m between Dad and Cameron.

“I went to college at the University of Tennessee. My degree is in sports management. I started playing for the Outlaws right after college, and I’ve been there until just recently.”

Dad nods. “You finished your degree?”

“Yes, sir. I promised my mom I’d have a fallback. It’s a good plan. This career isn’t guaranteed.”

“It’s always good to have options.” Mom smiles at him.

“What about your family?” Dad asks.

“It was just my mom and me growing up. My mom’s parents helped with me a lot. Mom worked full-time and went to college to become a registered nurse after I was born.”

“She’s so sweet,” I add. “You and Grace would get along great,” I tell my mom.