“Good job, rookie,” Henderson, our second baseman, tells me.

“Thanks.” I bump my fist with his as I make my way to my locker to grab some clothes to shower. Checking my phone, I see a missed message from my mom.

Mom: Great game, Cam!

Me: Thanks, Ma. Showering. Will be out soon.

I hesitate to tell her that Paisley is joining us and decide I don’t want to catch her off guard.

Me: I have someone I want you to meet.

Mom: Someone, as in a woman? Have you been holding out on me? Oh, is this the kiss cam girl?

I chuckle at her question. For years, she’s been telling me she’s not getting any younger and wants grandkids. I’ve always assured her that if I ever met a woman who I thought may be able to make that happen, she’d be the first to know.

Me: Yeah, Mom, it’s the kiss cam girl, and you’re the first to know.

Mom: A win, a hug from my son, and I get to meet the one. This night just keeps getting better.

Me: Don’t scare her away.

Mom: Best behavior. Now hurry up!

Me: Yes, ma’am.

I toss my phone back into my locker and head to the showers. By the time I’m finished, the locker room has cleared out a good bit.

“Yo, Taylor. Drinks at The Pub?” Henderson calls out.

“Nah, my mom’s in town. Taking her to dinner.”

He nods. “All right. Catch you later.”

I finish getting dressed, and pack up my bag and go in search of Paisley. I assume she’s going to be hanging around outside the locker room for me. We didn’t really discuss where she was going to wait for me, just that she would wait.

Pushing open the locker room door, I’m just in time to hear Henderson asking Paisley if she wants to head to The Pub for a drink.

“No, thanks.” She declines with a smile that I know has him puffing out his chest. She has that effect on you. Trust me. I know firsthand.

“You got plans?” he asks her.

“She does,” I answer for her.

“Dinner with Mom?” Henderson whistles. “So, it’s like that.”

“Yeah, it’s like that.” I nod, walking toward Paisley and sliding my arm around her waist.

“All right.” Henderson holds up his hands in surrender. “You two will have to join us next time.” With that, he turns and walks away, catching up with a few of our teammates who are already halfway down the hall.

“Was that necessary?” she asks.

“Yes. Yes, it was.” I press my lips to her forehead. “You ready for this?”

“Do I have a choice?”

I stop walking and pull her into me so we’re chest to chest. “Yes. You always have a choice. I know I can come on strong, but I don’t want you to be miserable. If you’re really not ready for this, then I’ll take Mom to dinner and come home to you.”

“No. It’s okay. I’m sorry. I’m being prickly. I’m just… nervous.”