She nods and turns toward the living room. I’ve rendered her speechless, which I love. I meant what I said. I want us to see where this leads. Besides, I’m starting to think that Paisley Monroe is my good luck charm. I went to a Blaze game and met this amazing girl, shared a kiss to rival all kisses before her, and two weeks later, I’m finally called up to the majors. During last night’s game, I was on fire, and here we are today. Life is better with Paisley. I just need for her to see that as well.

Chapter 9


Cameron insisted we ride to the stadium together. He said it just made sense, considering we were traveling to the same place and then coming home to the same place. I didn’t have a good argument or reason not to ride with him, so I gave in.

Luckily for me, once we got to the stadium, we both had jobs to do, so I’ve been able to avoid him. He’s a lot to take on, and I’m trying to figure out his endgame. The only issue is that I can see the conviction in his eyes and hear it in his voice. This isn’t a game to him.

It’s overwhelming and confusing, but I’ll be the first to admit it’s also thrilling. I’ve never met a man like him before. One who seems to be more interested in me than my dad or my last name, or even the connections he can get from me. If that’s his play, he’s hiding it well.

After helping the senior trainers get the players that need it taped and stretched, I get busy preparing the drinks for the dugout. I’m the low man or woman on the totem pole, but making sure the players stay hydrated is an important part of a trainer’s job, so I don’t mind it. I’m in the dugout of the Tennessee Blaze. I’m in the heart of the sport and the team that I love. Life doesn’t get much better than this.

“Can I get one of those?” I hear from behind me.

I let my smile free until the cup is full. Then I school my features when I turn to face Cameron. “Sure,” I say, handing him the cup. I don’t know why I’m trying to be so indifferent with him. I guess I’m still leery that he’s out for something other than my attention. My heart tells me that’s not the case, but I’ve been burned too many times to set the possibility free.

“You busy?” he asks.

“No. I just finished setting up.” I point at the coolers behind me.

“Good. Wanna help me stretch?”

It’s on the tip of my tongue to refuse, but it’s my job to do so. “I can do that.”

He moves to the field and lies down on the grass. Silently, we work through a series of stretches that I know he’s already done. I saw him working with one of the other trainers earlier. I don’t know him well enough as a player to know if the extra stretching is essential to his game or if it’s just a way for him to be close to me. My guess is it’s the latter.

“I got next,” Travis Henderson, a second baseman, says, sitting in the grass next to Cameron.

Cameron gives him a hard look before turning his attention back to me. “So, Mom’s going to stick around after the game. She’s going to follow us home.” I don’t miss the way Travis’s eyes widen when he hears Cameron say this.

“I can actually get a ride with my dad.”

“No. We rode together. We leave together.”

“Cameron, it’s not a big deal. We’re neighbors, and your mom is in town.”

“She’s staying with me tonight.”

“See, all the more reason I should just have my dad take me home.”

“I want you to meet her.”

“Can we talk about this later?” I ask, lowering my voice.

He opens his mouth to argue, but I give him a pleading look, so he just nods. “Fine.”

“You’re all set,” I say, moving to stand by Travis. I can feel his stare as I talk to Travis about any potential issues before we begin stretches. I pretend Cameron isn’t standing vigil behind me and focus on doing my job.

“So good,” Travis moans as I push a little harder on his leg.

I hear Cameron grumble behind me, but I ignore him and continue to focus on my player. “How’s that?” I ask Travis.

“Great. Thanks for the workout, Paisley.” He winks as he stands and jiggles his body to show that he’s now loose. He winks at someone behind me, and I know it’s Cameron before jogging off.

Slowly, I turn to find Cameron’s eyes locked on mine. “He didn’t need to be stretched.”

“That’s my job, Cameron.”