“You could say that.”

“Vague. Come on, Pais, spill.”

“He sat with me on the way there.”

“Nice,” Willow comments.

“And on the way back.”

“My man,” Willow cheers, and I can imagine her giving me a fist bump if I were in the room with them.

“And he kindofspentthenight,” Paisley rushes to say.

“Whoa, back up the cookie truck. Did you just say that he spent the night?” Willow screeches.

“Shh,” Paisley shushes her. “Keep your voice down. You’re going to wake him up.”

That’s my cue. I open the door and shut it, this time loud enough that they can hear me. I can hear their muffled voices as I grow closer to the kitchen. I find Willow sitting at the island while Paisley is sitting on the counter with a cup of coffee in her hands. I walk straight toward her, slide my hand behind her neck, and press my lips to her forehead. “Morning, beautiful,” I greet her. My voice is still laced with sleep.

“Well, Cameron, fancy seeing you here.”

“Morning, Willow,” I say, turning to face her. I rest my back against the counter, settling between Paisley’s legs. My hands rest on top of her bare thighs, and I need to watch myself. The last thing I need is my cock, that’s already barely concealed, to get hard from the feel of her skin beneath my fingertips. At least not in front of her best friend.

“You two are up early.” Willow grins.

“We are,” I agree. Turning, I look at Paisley over my shoulder. “Why are we up this early?” I ask her.

“You can go back to bed,” she tells me.

“Perfect.” I turn my body to face her. Grabbing the coffee cup from her hands, I take a hefty sip before placing it on the counter. “Legs around my waist, babe,” I tell her.

“W-What?” she sputters.

“Legs around my waist. We’re going back to bed.”

“I don’t have to go with you,” she argues.

“Yes. Yes, you do. See you in a few hours, Willow,” I say, lifting Paisley from the counter. Instinct has her wrapping those sexy legs of hers around my waist as I carry her down the hall and to her room. Kicking open the door, I take her to the bed and release her. She flops, with a giggle falling from her lips.

“Scoot,” I say, sliding in next to her.

“Are we really going back to sleep?” she asks, covering a yawn.

“We’re really going back to sleep. I have a game tonight, remember?”

“Maybe you’d be more comfortable in your bed?”

“You want to go to my place?” I ask, knowing that’s not what she means.

“No. I just thought you may sleep better in your own bed.”

“I’ll sleep better with you next to me. Decide, babe. My bed or yours? Either way, we’re getting a couple more hours of sleep.”


“Come here.” I open my arms for her, and she comes willingly. “Get some rest,” I say, kissing the top of her head and closing my eyes. It doesn’t take long for sleep to claim me once again.

Two hours later when I wake, it’s with her in my arms. A smile tilts my lips when she stirs and peers up at me. “Did you get rested?”