“Cameron?” Drew calls out. I can hear the amusement in his voice. He’s enjoying watching me struggle.

“I’ll get you to change your mind.”

“Good luck with that,” she sasses, and a small piece of the fun-loving girl I met that day at the game finally reappears.

“Game on, baby.” I smirk and turn to follow Drew out of the room.

Chapter 5


My heart is racing so fast I fear it might pound right out of my chest. I can’t believe that my uncle Drew, or hell, even my dad or my mom, didn’t tell me Cameron was getting called up. Sure, I’ve avoided them, but after dinner at their place the other night, I thought we were all past the kiss cam incident.

Apparently not.

I knew this was a possibility. I mean, he plays for the Outlaws. And the main purpose of that team is to feed the Blaze. I get that. I know how it works, but I don’t know. I guess I just thought I had more time. When John Hastings pulled his hamstring in the game over the weekend, I should have known that they would call someone else up. If I had done my research like I should have, I would have known that Cameron was a first baseman.

It’s probably better that I didn’t research him. I would have been worrying this entire time. Now, here I am, trying to settle into my new job and work past the hype that my last name and connections are the only reason I’m here. I also have to deal with working side by side with the sexiest man I’ve ever met, who just so happens to kiss like he was born to do so.

I’m screwed.

I ignore Dr. Thomas, who I think is also ignoring me, as I make my way to the small break room and grab a bottle of water from the fridge. I drain half the contents before replacing the lid. “Just breathe,” I whisper to myself. “He’s just a man.” After a few more calming breaths, I get back to work, making sure that my training bag is packed up and ready for the road trip this week. We have two back-to-back games, one away and one at home, and then another stretch of home games. This is my dream job with a team that feels like home. No, this team is home to me. It’s family, and I refuse to let some sexy, incredible-kissing stranger interfere with that.

Once I have everything we may need while away, I place the bag by the door with the rest of the training equipment to be loaded onto the bus tomorrow, then gather my purse and keys and hightail it out of the stadium. Normally, I would hang around and make sure nothing else needed to be done. That’s been my norm since I started, but today, I’m too raw. I need to go home and dissect today’s new revelations.

Just as I’m pulling into our condo, my phone rings. “Hey, Wil.” I sigh into the phone.

“Rough day?” she asks.

“You could say that.”

“Well, I was thinking I’d pick up Mexican for dinner. I’m exhausted too, and you’re going to be gone the next few days. I thought we could just hang out and catch up before you leave tomorrow.”

“That sounds good to me. I have a lot to tell you.”

“Oh, now this I have to hear. Does it involve any of those hot-ass men you work with?”

“Yep.” I don’t bother elaborating.

“I’m on my way. You get packed so we have the entire night to gossip about whatever it is that has you in a mood.”

“Extra queso and chips,” I tell her. It’s one of those nights.

“On it. Be home soon.”

The call ends, and I can’t help but smile. I already know what she’s going to say. That he’s good-looking and I should just roll with it. She’s been pro-Cameron since the day we met him. It’s not that I disagree with her, but my job is important to me. It’s been my dream for so long, I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize it. Besides, I have to at least make him work for it a little, right? I mean, I can’t come off too eager or easy. I don’t want to play games, but I also don’t want to fall at his feet. That’s not who I am.

Grabbing my things, I climb out of the car and head inside. I immediately kick off my shoes and plop down on the couch. I know I need to pack, but that won’t take me long, and I just need a minute to reflect.

He looked good today. Damn good. He was dressed in slacks and had on a polo that showed off not only his muscles but also his tattoos. What I wouldn’t give to trace them up close and personal. Not that I expected him to look anything less. I’ve seen the replay of our kiss many times. The way his calloused hands cradled my face and the way his muscles were tight underneath that plain T-shirt he wore.

I shake out of my thoughts. I can’t go there with him. He’s a player. I’m a trainer now, and it was a one-time, isolated event. Nothing more, nothing less. It’s a good memory to have, but that’s all that it will ever be. I’m a professional now. “Right.” I laugh at myself. “There is nothing professional about the way that man makes you feel, Paisley Gray,” I mutter.

I hear the front door open, and Willow calls out, “P! Guess who I ran into?” as she comes walking into the room.

“Me first,” I say, standing from the couch to help her.

“Paisley,” a deep voice greets me. I don’t have to turn around to know who it is.