I always thought that when this day finally came, I’d be calm. I was certain that all I would feel was immense joy for all of the hard work I’ve put in over the years. I was wrong. As I pull open the doors to the stadium, there is a slight tremble in my hand. I’ve been playing for the Tennessee Outlaws for three years now. I played ball all four years of college, which my buddies thought was crazy. I made a promise to my mom that I would finish college and have a solid fallback plan, so that’s what I did.

For three years, I’ve played hard and practiced harder. I’ve spent countless hours at the gym, and I treat my body like a temple. No drinking, and I eat only foods that are on the recommended list from our trainers. I’ve followed every rule and every guideline to the letter.

I wanted this.

Now here I am.

Walking through the doors of the stadium that is now my new home away from home, I keep my head held high and my shoulders straight as I make my way upstairs to the offices. Stepping onto the glass elevator, I look out over the field, and memories assault me. You would think it would be baseball, but instead, it’s the only other thing in my life that can take my mind off the sport I love.

Paisley Monroe.

It didn’t take the news outlets long to identify my kissing partner. It turns out she’s the daughter of Easton Monroe, a retired first baseman for the Blaze. Her name was everywhere as they replayed that kiss. It took them a little longer to identify me. I get it. I play for the Outlaws, and not many people follow the farm teams. That’s okay. I don’t need my name out there. They gave me hers.

I’ve considered looking her up multiple times, but with games, practice, and time in the gym, I just didn’t have the opportunity. Now, here I am getting called up. My dream is finally coming true.

Even still, as I walk into the stadium, I can’t help but remember her. She was a breath of fresh air and that kiss. My cock twitches behind the zipper of my dress pants. I need to derail this train of thought fast. I’m about to meet with the GM, and I don’t need that kind of embarrassment before he’s even given me a chance to step onto the field.

The elevator door opens, and I take in a deep breath and slowly exhale as I exit.

“May I help you?” the receptionist asks.

“Cameron Taylor, here for Drew Milton.”

“Of course, Mr. Taylor.” She bats her eyelashes at me. You can tell they’re fake, and I can’t help but compare her to Paisley. She doesn’t need that shit to be beautiful. She’s already naturally so. “Right this way. Mr. Milton is expecting you.”

I fall into step behind her and wait as she knocks on the doorframe, announcing our arrival. “Send him in.” I hear a deep voice reply. The receptionist steps back and allows me to pass before shutting the door behind me.

“Mr. Taylor, welcome to the Blaze.” Drew Milton, the general manager, stands to shake my hand. “Please have a seat.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“So, are you ready for this?” he asks, taking his seat once again.

“I was born ready,” I reply, causing him to chuckle.

“I’ve been where you are, and I know the feeling all too well.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Call me Drew,” he says, and I nod. “So, Cameron, I have to tell you that you already have quite the following.”

“I don’t understand?”

“That kiss of yours has been all over the sports networks.”

I nod. “She’s a beautiful woman,” I remind him. I’m suddenly nervous that this may hurt me as being a part of the team.

“This is true.” He leans back in his chair and steeples his hands together. “Did you also realize that the woman you were kissing was my niece?”

Oh, fuck!

“N-No, sir.”

“Drew.” He flashes me a smile. “She’s not my niece by blood, but her dad and I have been best friends for years. I’ve known Paisley since she was little.”

“It was the kiss cam,” I tell him lamely.

“Uh-huh.” He smirks. He stares at me for a few long heartbeats before guiding the conversation in a new direction. “Well, your contract has already been signed, so now all that’s left is to give you a tour of the facility and show you your locker. We have a home game tomorrow that you’ll need to be suited up for. Have you found living arrangements?”