Calvin follows me out, stepping ahead of me and grabbing a white fluffy bath towel off the counter. I see that he laid my Aristocats pajamas out for me to wear tonight. “Are you all right?” he asks, drawing my focus away from the pajamas. “Do you want me to get you some water?”

I nod. “Yeah, that’s probably—”

I stop mid-sentence, feeling a sickening surge, and walk as quickly as I can to the toilet with my feet still wet. I make it just in time to lean over and hurl into the toilet.

Ew, ew, ew.

Oh, that’s so gross.

I’m a little shaky as I sit back on my butt by the toilet, and more than a little horrified.

Calvin is standing in the open doorway of the bathroom partition. I quickly close the toilet lid and reach up to flush.

Wordlessly, he passes me the glass of water.

I take a few shallow sips to get the taste out of my mouth, then look up at him. “Thank you.”

His brow is creased with concern, his gaze locked on my face. “Are you feeling sick?”

I shake my head no. “Not now. I’m so embarrassed, that was so gross.”

“You’re sure?”

“My head hurts a little, but aside from that, I’m fine.”

He watches me for a moment, then apparently decides he doesn’t believe me. He helps me up off the floor and takes me to the bedroom.

I assure him again that I feel completely fine now, but he still makes me get in bed.

Once I’m there, bed feels amazing. I close my eyes and nestle into the haven of down blankets and silk sheets, and before I know it, I’m out.


When my eyes open, Calvin is lying in bed beside me. He isn’t sleeping, though. He’s lying on his side, watching me. His muscular upper body is bare. His bottom half might be, too, but I can’t tell because he has a sheet draped across his hips.

The room is usually darker, but he left one of the blinds open, probably so he could keep an eye on me. That single window lets quite a bit of light in and tricks me into thinking maybe it’s not super late.

Though I guess it could be that it’s really early.

I want to know what time it is, but there’s no digital clock on either bedside table. I didn’t get to set my alarm for work yet, either. I usually set the one on my phone, but I obviously don’t have it on me.

I guess I can ask Calvin to set an alarm for me, but I’m not sure when he leaves for work. I usually stay asleep for a while after he leaves, so that might not work.

I roll on my side facing him so I can ask how to handle my alarm situation, but I’m distracted by how handsome he looks with so much moonlight spilling in. I’m struck by the impulse to curl up close to him for a snuggle, but then I remember I just threw up, and he probably won’t want me cuddling him.

“How do you feel?” he asks, seeing I’m awake.

I reach overhead and arch off the bed to stretch. “Good.”

“Yeah?” He sounds skeptical.

I nod and smile. “I promise.” I’m still tired, and I’d like to curl back up and go to sleep, but I need to brush my teeth first. “I’ll be right back, I have to pee,” I tell him.

“Take this.”

I’m already off the bed, but I turn back to see what he wants me to take.

He hands me a rectangular box that wipes the smile right off my face.

A pregnancy test.

My heart sinks and my gaze darts back to his face.

“Just so we know,” he says.

“Know what?” I drop the test on the bed like it’s on fire. “My god, are you serious? No. No. No, no, no. No way. I am not pregnant.”

“Probably not, but let’s make sure.”

He’s too calm. My entire being is flooded with utter panic, but he’s discussing this like it’s not the most fucked up possibility in the whole world.

I can’t be pregnant.

I can’t.

I only met him… how many weeks has it been? I try to think, but I come up with too many. That can’t be right. My period comes pretty regularly, every 26 to 28 days. I haven’t had one since before I met him. Should I have had one by now?

“I need my phone,” I tell him. “I need to check—what’s the date? When was Charity’s fucking wedding? I can’t think.”

“Calm down.”

“Don’t tell me what to do,” I snap. “You’ve cut me off from the world and I don’t even know what day it is!”

I hear him rip back the comforter as I make a beeline out of the room. I don’t head for the bathroom. I head down the hall, through the living room, and go to Calvin’s office where I know my phone is stashed.