Page 71 of Love Bites

Well, not fine, but not churned up either. The positive side of Matt and Tris sleeping together was that they had an outlet for all their kinky needs. Which meant there was absolutely no reason on God’s green earth for them to even concern themselves with her.

Then why did he say they had gotten together because they wanted you?

“Horndogs,” she muttered, slamming out of her section before she could think better of her decision to confront Matt.

It wasn’t her style to sit around and think until she got a headache. She dealt with situations. She’d deal with this one head-on too.

Rather than knock, she opened the door and marched into Matt’s living room, then straight on through to his bedroom. If Tris was in there with him, then, well—

She stopped in the doorway and gasped. At least Matt was alone in bed, lying on his stomach so the view she got started with his ass.

He was also naked.

Good goddamn, what a body that man had. Tight buns, long, lean, nicely muscled legs. Golden brown skin that didn’t turn pale even in the middle of winter.

Firm back.

Firmer ass.

Yeah, she was a bit fixated on that part of his anatomy, but who could blame her? Tristan had him on height—and length, from what she’d seen last night—but hoo boy, Matt did well with what he had to work with. Climbing astride that hobby horse would be no problem at all.

Cait threw back her shoulders and walked toward the bed. “Wake up,” she said, picking up his arm and thumping it against the mattress.

Matt made a snuffling noise and turned his head the other way.

She tried not to smile. Thinking about his inherent cuteness would not serve her greater purposes. She leaned down and got really close to his ear. Then she whispered, “Wake up right now and you can fuck me.”

He lifted his head so fast he bumped her nose. “Huh? What?”

Laughing, she dropped down beside him and stroked his messy hair. “Are you hard?”

He rolled over and glanced down at himself before looking back up at her. “Sorry, not at the moment. You should’ve stopped by a little while ago. But really if you want a morning hard-on, you want Tris. He’s the one who wakes up with the mother of all boners.”

All at once, the laughter drained out of her. “You just had to mention him.”

“Yeah, I did. Because he’s part of us. Or have you forgotten that?”

“I didn’t forget anything. What about you? Were you thinking of how it would affect me every time you asked him to put his dick in your ass?”

Matt sighed and scrubbed his hands over his face. She slid her gaze to his cock, slid it away. Slid it back again. She shook her head at the immediate liquefying between her legs.

Clearly horny virgins had no shame. Or very little.

“As much as I want to be the one who takes your virginity, Cait,” he dropped his arm and met her gaze only seconds after she’d ripped it from his shaft, “I’m not willing to be a substitute Tris.”

“You’re not.”

“Really. So if Tris had come downstairs to comfort you last night, what would have happened? Here’s what I think. I think you would’ve scampered right up to bed with him and not mentioned anything about us being your virginity snatcher candidates. It would’ve been the Tristan and Caitlyn sexpedition, and to hell with me. And then afterward, you would’ve snuggled in his arms and pretended I didn’t exist, even though the dick inside of you had just been inside me an hour earlier.”

She made herself look straight into his churning brown eyes. “No. I wouldn’t. Because despite this big crush you’re so certain I’ve been harboring for Tris—”

“I’ve seen the way you look at him,” Matt said quietly. “Don’t think I haven’t.”

“So how come you didn’t say anything?”

“I figured you weren’t ready to discuss it.”

She brushed back her hair and took in the resolute set of his jaw. Maybe last night he really hadn’t been trying to distract her from what she’d seen. Maybe he’d gone down on her for more than his residual lust from Tris.