Page 49 of Love Bites

He was her center now. The one light in the midst of so much black, the answer to all the questions she’d been afraid to voice.

Kellan slipped back, staying close enough that his breath hissed over her lips. “You’re not alone anymore.” The hand he’d cupped around her cheek tensed, his grip the sweetest pain she’d ever known. “And you’re mine.”

She nodded and rose to her knees to drag his shirt over his head. He was a wonderland of supple skin and bunched muscles. Her hands raced over his back, then swept the planes and hollows of his torso. She flicked the buckle open and yanked the belt free of its loops, tossing the buttery leather aside with a child’s glee.

Finally, he would be hers again. This time it was for life.

Moving quickly, she freed his straining cock and licked her lips as she eyed her treat. “Mine,” she growled, making sure her gaze reflected every ounce of her desire.

She waited, half-expecting him to spout some He-Man vampire spiel about how she was his woman, but that didn’t mean the reverse was true. But he only threaded his fingers through her hair, guiding her where she desperately needed to be.

Commands like that, she didn’t mind.

Sydney scooted down and bathed his cock with her tongue. Then she enveloped him, taking his silken-steel length until he filled her throat. Oh, yes. How she’d missed this. He filled her in a way no one else could. Overwhelmed her senses like no one else ever had.

It was time she returned the favor.

She sucked hard and palmed his sac, scraping his sensitive skin with her nails. His breathing quickened. How she loved watching his chest rise and fall. Knowing she was the only one who could make him feel this way. As his shaft pulsed with blood, an almost indescribable ache grew in her pussy.

And in her fangs.

She flexed her throat. His broken groan vibrated through her body as he started to pump his hips. Deeper and harder, he drove between her parted lips, and she took him, her fangs lengthening until their points dug into his stiff flesh.

Waves of heat drenched her until it seemed as if fire ate at her skin, burning her from the inside out. Sensations collided and coalesced in her mind, in her body. His salty liquid teasing her tongue, the subtle expansion of his erection as he neared orgasm. Her own endless need, so consuming she had to hold her thighs apart to keep from imploding.

And through everything, smoldering gold eyes leeched the last shred of resistance she had left.

“Do it. Now.”

Sydney knew what he wanted. This time, she understood what following her urges meant. She hadn’t decided to bite him on a whim. This was who she was, no matter how hard she’d tried to deny the fact. She was a vampire. Even if she hadn’t gone all the way yet, she would. To turn away from what she was meant to become would jeopardize the truest love she’d ever known.

She slid his erection from her mouth and rubbed the pads of her fingers in concentric circles to spread the moisture. Kellan’s hands clenched in her hair, then gentled as he bundled the damp tendrils and lifted them off her neck. She licked her lips again, letting the dark hunger fill her. The scent of his desire, the relentless pound of his heart, and the tension in his touch all made the need that much more powerful.

“Yes, do it. Please.”

At Emily’s breathless urging, Sydney shifted to watch her best friend push herself over the edge. Emily’s lips spread over her baby fangs as her own fingers brought her to the peak. She’d shed her nightgown somewhere along the way, and her firm, dusky-tipped breasts bounced with each stroke.

Arousal flushed her skin, danced in her gray eyes. Somehow even the blood that coated her mouth—she’d proven herself not a fastidious eater—and smeared her cleavage only enhanced her allure.

Syd smiled and met her lover’s heated gaze. She peeled her lips back to reveal fangs already distended. Slowly, she lowered her mouth to the engorged head of his cock, throbbing so temptingly with blood and more. Already she anticipated the salt mixing with the coppery liquid that would flood her throat as he came and came.

The last thing she saw was his smile. The intensity and the power of it. Such beauty in that smile. So much love.

Poised to strike, she almost missed the flicker of movement in the doorway. A lightning blur of black and blond streaked into the room just as Emily’s rapturous moans crescendoed into climax.

Sydney jerked back on a strangled cry as Kellan was ripped away from her. She blinked, sure that would make the scene in front of her change. As though it wasn’t her lover fighting with someone clad all in black, like death himself, despite the angelic blond hair waving down his back.

While punches and curses flew, Sydney leaped to her feet, hoping to get some help from Emily. But from the look on her face—an odd mix of fascination and afterglow—she wouldn’t be much help.

Syd gritted her teeth and whirled around to see the hand-to-hand hadn’t ceased. If anything, the fight was even more violent. Even more bloody. And the sounds they were making—

Dear God. How she could have been so dense? Kellan was fighting with Lucas.

She glanced back at her best friend. And the reason why was curled up like a satisfied kitten in the center of the bed.

“Goddammit, stop it!” She could handle this. On her own. For God’s sake, she knew Lucas. She’d slept with him twice. He’d listen to reason.

She’d make him listen.