Page 44 of Love Bites

“And sex.”

“Very likely.”

Sydney bit her lip. “We should call Lucas.”

“Don’t want to share me?” He meant the question as a joke, as he certainly had no intention of having sex with Emily, with or without Sydney present. But her head whipped around, and her placid green eyes glowed.

“Sharing you is part of the deal?”

“No. We both sired her.” Sydney could probably get an exemption from the council, as she wasn’t a full vamp. But there would be no exemptions for him. He had turned his allotted female.

His gut clenched, but not from hunger. Now Sydney didn’t have to worry about him making her a full vampire against her will. If he sired another human, he would risk death. If she desired to be a vampire, the only one who could sire her was Lucas.

A more twisted foursome, he’d never fathomed.

“So she’ll want us both?”

“She may,” he said, grateful Sydney hadn’t yet realized how irrevocably their lives had changed. “It could mean one thing to us and another to her when she awakes. Her urges toward us may be strong.”

“I can handle her.”

“What about me?” He brushed a lock of silken dark hair away from her cheek and fought not to ruminate on what couldn’t be altered. Not now. “Can you handle me, Sydney?”

“We should call Lucas,” she repeated, again worrying her lower lip between her teeth. But he could see the tips of fangs piercing that plump, reddened flesh.

His cock hardened against the fly of his jeans. God, he didn’t have any reserve against her. And no matter the situation they’d found themselves in, he couldn’t forget his lust for even a moment.

There were two ways he could handle this. He’d planned on finding her and telling her he wouldn’t leave until she came back with him. Until she agreed to embrace the change. But now changing meant something entirely different. Now she’d have to bind herself to Lucas for eternity, just as he’d bound himself to Emily.

And he was getting ahead of himself, because she hadn’t agreed to be turned, nor had she agreed to a relationship with him. She wouldn’t allow herself to be strong-armed into a life she didn’t want. Loving her was the way to get her to see she could have more than she’d ever dreamed if they built a life together. Demands would accomplish nothing.

And that might mean he had to walk away.


He hated to leave her alone with Emily, just in case. Calling Lucas was one solution, but he feared for Sydney’s safety if Luke discovered his opportunity to sire his mate had been lost. The truth would come out eventually, of course, but sometimes delayed beheading was best.

“We can’t stay here,” he said into the heavy silence. “If you’d prefer to return to your apartment, that’s fine. Do you have close neighbors?”

“One neighbor. Upstairs. It’s a split-level house. You’re not going to insist we go back to your place?”

Already he sensed a difference in her. Her normal suspicions were intact, yes, but she had also revealed a sense of curiosity she hadn’t often displayed. He hoped that meant she was more open to the possibilities.

“No.” He buttoned Emily’s blouse. “I’m not going to demand anything from you. Not anymore.”

“Why not?”

A smile lifted his lips despite himself. “Because you are a smart, fully capable young woman. You can make your own decisions.”

“Yes. I can.”

“We’re in agreement then.” Kellan turned his head, still smiling. “A first, to be sure.”

“Not true.” She inclined her chin. “We were in agreement when you asked me if I wanted to go for a ride that first night. I did. I wanted you from the first moment you walked in here, wearing the brim of your hat tipped low and that cocky grin.”

All it took was a mention of that night on the side of the road and he hardened even more. “You were the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen, with all that dark hair that fell over one eye and the smile you seemed to save just for me.”

“Were?” Her voice softened. “Seen?”