Page 7 of Love Bites

In short, he’d just royally fucked her—and himself.

The good news was they could fix this. After a few days passed, he would have to bite her again, but just enough for him to taste her, allowing him access to her memories. He could mind-control her marginally without the bite, but to be sure nothing remained, he would have to sample her again. That would grant him the ability to hold her in his thrall while he rifled through—and altered, if need be—her mental files from tonight.

“Goddammit.” He was furious at himself. What had happened? How could he have lost control? It had never happened like that before.

He stared at Sydney. Good God, was it possible? Time was of the essence, but he couldn’t move. Her blood coursed through his limbs, but at the same time he felt weightless, as if he hovered just above the earth and the moon itself could shine through him.

His mistake had been tapping her vein. The minute her blood pheromones had washed over him, the game had changed.

Everything had changed.

“Kell!” Luke slapped him full in the face. “We have to move. What’s wrong with you?”

“Sorry. Sorry.” He shook his head to clear it. He couldn’t lose her now, not when he’d finally found her. And he would lose her if he didn’t break free from his blood-and sex-drunk stupor.

Luke pulled the driver’s seat back without benefit of the lever and then vaulted effortlessly into the front. He was already withdrawing the blade he always carried from his trouser pocket. “Then let’s do this.”

Chapter Two

Oh, God, I hurt.

Sydney thrashed against the heavy, immovable objects holding her down. Springs squeaked beneath her as she flailed, trying desperately to make the pain stop.

“No, no, no!”

“Sydney!” Her cheek burned as a hand connected. Tears blurred her eyes and she flinched from the contact, but she didn’t stop bucking against the body that held her. Two bodies, she realized dully.

Two naked male bodies.

“Get away from me!”

“Listen to me.” Her movements stilled with just one glance into steely eyes. She remembered his eyes. So beautiful. Tawny, like a cat’s. But even they couldn’t make the agony go away. She curled into herself and whimpered.

“She’s still in pain. We need to give her more blood.” The voice that reached her ears didn’t belong to the man with cat’s eyes. This voice was cooler, more dispassionate.

“If we give her more, she won’t be coming back.”

She trembled, violently afraid. “Please. I won’t tell anyone. Let me go.”

“We can make it stop.” Soft, raspy words and a gentle mouth brushed her temple. “We can take the pain away, darling. But you need to say yes.”

Who was he? She remembered him vaguely, as if she’d passed him on a crowded street some months before. Then his cock brushed her stomach and she turned her head as the memories flooded back.

They’d just banged in her car. Like animals. She’d never come so fast or so hard as she had with him, then everything had disappeared in an erotic was

h of black. His mouth had been on her throat—

She reared up in bed, screaming. “You bit me. You did this. You crazy bastard!”

The darker one leaped on top of her, pinning her to the mattress. White-blond hair slapped her in the face as his friend gripped her hands. While the blond man fought to restrain her, she glimpsed the heavy, threatening weight of his cock.

What were they going to do with her? Oh God, where was she? What had happened to her car?

Terror blinded her as she tried to claw, kick, and scratch her way free. It did no good. Without breaking a sweat, they trussed her limbs to the posts of the bed so she lay exposed like a human sacrifice.

But they weren’t looking at her nude body. They were too busy arguing with each other.

“Christ, Kell, is your brain in your balls? I already told you what we had to do. But you wouldn’t.”