Page 35 of Love Bites

“Why?” He turned his face toward hers. His hazel eyes were shadowed and heavy, but she noted the fact with a detached interest rather than concern. She felt tapped out emotionally, unable to give any more of herself to anyone. “Because I’m not gay.”

Wearily, she pressed her cheek against the back of her hand. Just like I’m not a vampire.

“Say something.”

“You are what you are, Tate. Pretending otherwise changes nothing.”

“Easy for you to say. Your whole world hasn’t just been turned upside down by something you never expected.”

“You’d be surprised,” she said quietly.


“I know you’re having trouble believing this, but I honestly don’t care what happened between you and Jed. It’s not even on my radar. If the two of you want to be together, you have my blessing. If you don’t, well, that’s on you.”

He flipped on his turn signal as he idled at the entrance of her apartment building’s parking lot. “You’re serious.”

“Deadly.” She shifted to face him after he pulled into a space. “I appreciate you coming to get me. If you wouldn’t mind, maybe you could come by now and then to…check on me. Make sure everything’s okay.”

Tate turned off the car. “Why? Is that guy you ran away from hassling you? The crazy one with the gold eyes?”

Gold eyes. Just the memory she didn’t need. But she remembered just the same. Remembered waking up with her head on Kellan’s chest to see him devouring her with an expression as weighty as a caress.

“He’s not crazy.” Insanely possessive, yes. Crazy? No. Unless she considered the whole idea of vampires crazy, but that was hard to do when even now bloodlust cramped her belly.

“He looked it.”

“Appearances aren’t everything, Tate.”

“Then what? If he’s not the problem, what is?”

She hissed out a breath. “I’ve developed some health issues.”

He rested a hand on her bare knee. “Oh, honey. Is that why…the blood….” His jaw went tight. “You weren’t pregnant, were you?”

She shook her head frantically. “God no. It wasn’t that.” And she couldn’t bear to think about the possibility even for a moment longer. “Just check on me. Please. Maybe in the mornings, before you head to work. I know it’s a burden, but—”

“No, it’s not. I owe you. Have you seen a doctor?”

“No doctors.” She fought a shudder.

“Okay. I’m just so grateful you contacted me. I left you so many voicemails. When you never called back, I was afraid something had happened. Well, something worse than what made you leave.”

He wasn’t the only one who had called. A quick check of her phone had revealed many missed texts and messages from friends and coworkers. They all equaled more concern than she could deal with at the moment.

Maybe ever.

She forced her tense shoulders to relax. “I’m sorry you were worried.”

“It’s all okay now.” Tate leaned in and brushed his lips over her forehead. “I talked to your landlord. He left a key under the mat for you.”

“Thank you.” Her eyes misted—what else was new?—but she blinked fast before any tears could fall. “I appreciate this more than you realize.”

“I hurt you. We hurt you. I’m so sorry.”

“It’s okay. Really. If you speak to Jed, please tell him that for me.” She took the hand he held out and squeezed his fingers. “I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”

“Yes.” He waited until she’d gotten out of the car before he spoke. “Syd?”