Page 21 of Filthy Scrooge

Melody giggled.

I cleared my throat. “Of course. Your mommy is on the nice list this year.”


Tracey gave me a soft smile. “We should go see Daddy. Santa needs to give out presents.”

“Presents,” Melody sang out.

Tracey touched her forehead to her daughter’s. “That’s all you care about lately.” She turned to me. “Nice to see you, Santa.”

I swallowed down the need to ask questions. We’d been good friends once.

“Are you ready, Santa?”

Her voice made my heart pound and my brain fuzz. Hot Elf—Miss Kane.

I groaned internally. Kandy Kane. She had to be the one to kick start my dick. And she’d dragged me into this crazy evening because I’d impulsively listened to said dick.


The word associated with me for years now.

“Hi.” Hot Elf smiled big, then reached out for Melody’s little hand and shook it. “Do you mind if I steal Santa away? It’s time to hand out the gifts.”

Melody burrowed into her mother, suddenly shy. “M’kay.”

“Excellent. Oh, wait. I’m sure we have your gift in here. Do you want to wait until Santa finds it? Or do you want it now?”

“Now.” Her voice was bright and pealed through the room with excitement.

Soon other children followed the sound and we had an audience. I thanked the huge pants and extra padding as my elf crouched beside me and dug into the bag.

“Let’s see. Michael? Is that your name?” She peered up at Melody.

Giggles erupted as she tried to lean out of Tracey’s hold. “No. Melody.”

“Oh, right. Melody. Let me see…” She did that with three other names, and each time Melody laughed before Hot Elf finally held up a long package. “Got it!” She handed it to me. “You do the honors, Santa.”


Hot Elf gave me a hard stare.

I accepted the pink and gold present before checking the tag. “Have to be sure this is for Miss Melody.”

Tracey glanced between me and my elf. Her eyebrows lowered before her face cleared. She juggled Melody onto her other hip. “Say thank you, Santa.”

“Thank you, Santa,” Melody parroted.

Hot Elf stood beside me, her smile as wide as the little girl’s as she glanced up at me. The freckles across her cheeks reminded me of cinnamon dust. High color flushed her cheeks from me, or the room, or just pure happiness. I couldn’t tell which. It made me itchy and I wanted to growl at her to stop being so fucking happy.

But Santa wouldn’t do that.


I glanced away from her to find Tracey looking between the two of us, curiosity growing. I picked up the bag. “Time to deliver the toys,” I said in a booming voice. I didn’t need Tracey asking questions. I liked our situation.

We didn’t talk.