Page 75 of Filthy Scrooge

“No, I wanted your mouth this morning.”

I snickered. “That’s true.” She’d left me hard as a damn pike before running out the door for a meeting about today’s party.

She wiggled herself off my lap and stood. She flipped her blond curls over her shoulder then shimmied her glorious tits back into her bra. “I never knew riding a beard could be so stimulating. It’s your fault for showing me.” She leaned over me, bracing her hands behind me on the chair.

“Pleasure to be of service.” I tipped up my face for a kiss.

She grinned against my mouth and wrinkled her nose. She swiped her thumb across my upper lip. “You’re covered in lipstick.”

“I got attacked by my beautiful wife.”

She rolled her eyes and slapped my shoulders. “Get up. You’re on my jacket.”

I leaned forward. “I suppose I can’t go down looking like this.” I swiped my hand over my beard. “Young Santa?”

Kay snapped out her crushed velvet jacket with a sigh. “You crushed my suit.”

I nodded at the matching skirt on the floor just inside the door. “You started this.”

“Arguing with Arturo from Mama Vincente’s stirred me all up. I needed to let off some steam.”

I pulled up my pants. Where the hell had my belt gone? I spotted it under my desk. “What happened?” I asked as I crouched to reach it.


e waved her hand. “Nothing important. My mother called and added to the food order but forgot to tell me.” She blew her bangs out of her face. “Things like sterno and trays don’t mean anything to her. Let alone the fact that what she wanted wouldn’t fit on the table—never mind. I fixed it.”

“Of course you did.” I kissed her temple and crossed to the bathroom to put on my beard. I paused with the facial glue in my hands as she crouched to wiggle into her skirt.

“Stop looking at my ass,” she called out.

“You have a damn fine ass.”

She grinned over her shoulder and tugged her jacket into place. Her belt was cinched under her bump. She was goddamn adorable. She sashayed her way over to me and leaned against the doorjamb. “Forgot to say hi.”

I applied my beard. “Hi.”

“It never gets old watching you turn into Santa.”

“Good thing, since you stripped me out of it ten minutes ago.”

“Am I hearing a complaint?”

I pressed my lips together against a smile. “Nope.” I skipped the makeup today. I was still ruddy from banging the hell out of my wife. Once my wig and hat were in place, I added a new piece to the suit this year—a pair of little round glasses.

“Okay, now you’re just adorable.”

“Did I lose my sexy Santa status?” I tugged the padded vest off its hanger.

“When you put that belly on, it makes all my girl parts flutter.”

I slapped the Velcro down over my chest and belted the red velvet coat over it. “You should be positively vibrating.”

She stepped forward, her ruby red heels clicking on the marble. “I still am.” She slid her arms around my waist, our bellies bumping. “I love you something crazy, Mr. Murdock-Claus.”

“I love you too, Mrs. Murdock-Claus.”

She pressed a sweet kiss to my lips. “Now let’s get this party over with so we can go to our cabin.”