“Splendid. I will send the tea right away. Will you be needing anything else?”

Jean-Luc turned to Maddie. She was still busy gawking at the décor. “Are you hungry?”

Maddie quickly shook her head.

“Have you eaten dinner yet?”

“No, but—”

“We’ll order dinner,” Jean-Luc firmly decided.

Madame Chabert inclined her head. “I’ll notify the chef right away. Enjoy your stay.”

“Merci, Roxanne.”

“The pleasure is mine, as well.”

Jean-Luc closed the door and motioned to Maddie to relax. The room Chabert had given him had a small living area, a dining table, a bathroom and a large four-poster bed perched in the middle.

Maddie found her way into a nearby chair and sank in. “What is this place?”

“Maison Plaisir, a pleasure house for the spirits and otherworldly beings, where all pleasures are to be explored and all taboos are meant to be broken.”

Her eyes rounded incredulously. “This is a brothel?”

“You make it sound dirty. I prefer to call it a fun house.”

Maddie jumped from her seat. “If you’re thinking—”

“Relax. I just want you to clean up and rest before I take you home. Let me take a look at your cut.” Jean-Luc took off his coat and piled it on the coffee table. He unholstered his guns and knives.

She watched him warily. “What did you say you were again?”

“Hmm?” Jean-Luc lifted an eyebrow. “You’re asking what I do for a living?”


“I’m an agent for the Pit.”

“What is that?”

“A bounty hunter. I track down bad guys and haul their asses back to the Pit.”

“What is the Pit?”

“The Pit of Hell.” Jean-Luc motioned her to lose her blazer. “Let me see your boo-boo.”


“I’ll make it better.”

“You can heal people?”

“Only if they’re nice. Come on. The smell of your blood is starting to bug me.”

She blinked. “How come?”

“’Cause I’m a Hellhound, that’s why.”