He didn’t seem to hear her, eager to finish what he’d started. She guessed she had really aroused him. His thrusts were relentless, bordering on savage. She could only feel the fire. The sensations were beyond words. He plundered her cunt, ramming her with short, battering strokes. She gasped for air. Her heart hammered in her throat.

An orgasm hit her like a tornado.

Maddie tensed, surrendering to the sensation. Pure pleasure engulfed her. She floated to oblivion. Her pussy milked his cock in waves of orgasmic spasms. Her climax was beyond explosive, it was a mind-blowing rapture. Jean-Luc thrust one, two, three more times before he climaxed. His body convulsed as he pumped jets of cum into her cunt. He let out a harsh grunt when his cock spurted its last spasm. He stilled.

Maddie was drunk with her orgasm when Jean-Luc withdrew. She collapsed on the floor—she was panting when Jean-Luc snuggled behind her and wrapped an arm around her waist. He kissed her nape.

“Don’t ever tempt me like that, chérie. I’m a beast, after all…”

No shit.

Chapter Five

Maddie liked First Realm. She felt she would come to love her morning walk to her work place. The Central Market bustled with life from the moment she stepped out of Hugo’s magic door. This place reminded her of the old-world charm of Europe she’d seen on travel shows. Maddie buttoned her coat and strolled along the wet stone sidewalk. The air was a bit nippy. It looked like it had rained earlier. Now the sun was trying to squeeze out from the gloomy clouds. Water dripped from the vendors’ stall awnings as they put their merchandise out on display.

She eyed one vegetable stall as the owner stacked a big pile of red, mouth-watering heirloom tomatoes. She was thinking of doing some grocery shopping after work. They had been ordering room service since she’d moved to Maison Plaisir and she thought it would be a lot cheaper if she started cooking. She passed an old-fashioned butcher’s shop and couldn’t resist taking a peek through the window. The man inside waved at her. He was in the middle of slicing a big piece of roast beef. Maddie waved back. Maybe she should do pork chops for dinner. Jean-Luc was a meat and potatoes kind of guy.

Her shift didn’t start until nine o’clock. She had left the apartment a little early because it was only her second day at work. She wanted to give Genevieve a good impression. But now it seemed she’d have a lot of time to kill. Her watch showed it was only eight-thirty—the time on Earth and First Realm was in sync. As she strolled past a café, she decided to get a cup of coffee.

It cost her one silver and three copper coins. She didn’t know what the exchange rate on dollars was, but she guessed it was a reasonable price. They had foam cups too, and her drink came with a big dollop of whipped cream. She was surprised by how good it tasted. It beat the famous, overpriced coffee she used to buy every morning, when she had worked at the insurance company.

Maddie had almost finished her drink when she arrived at Genevieve’s Fine Outfitters. Her boss opened the door for her.

“Good. You’re early. We have a client asking for you personally,” Genevieve said.

“Who?” Maddie wondered. She had only worked there for a day. After Jean-Luc, she’d had three more clients and two big sales. She didn’t think she’d built a client base big enough that someone would ask for her.

“Thierry Ronnauds, one of our biggest clients. She heard from Margaret Duke about your excellent service.”

“Oh.” Margaret Duke had been one of her big sales yesterday. A lot of compliments and a bit of brown-nosing and the lady had spent her bottomless wallet like a crazed shopping addict. “I should attend to her now.”

Genevieve beamed.

After Maddie put away her coat and purse, she went to the waiting room of her new client. Genevieve told her she was the wife of a prominent man in First Realm. A socialite. Terry Ronnauds was a big woman. She was wrapped in a periwinkle two-piece suit and a peacock-feather hat. It looked so ridiculous on her, making her look like an overgrown bird.

“Madame Ronnauds,” Maddie greeted her. “Hello. How are you? I’m Madeline Cartwright.”

“Madeline, darling,” Terry replied with her deep, bassy voice.

Her accent was so thick that when

she pronounced an ‘R’, she sounded like she was purring. Her face was painted white, with blue eye shadow that matched the colour of her clothes. Either that or somebody had punched both her eyes.

“Delightful to meet you. I had dinner with Margaret last night, and she looked absolutely fabulous. I adored the evening dress she wore, and the necklace was just stunningly beautiful. Who would think a carved jade pendant would go well together with black silk?” Terry drawled. Her hands animated each sentence as she spoke.

“I’m honoured. Mrs Duke was fun to dress up.”

“You should do me, as well. Can you not tell I’m excited?”

“It’s my pleasure. Shall we go to a fitting room?”

“Oh, do let’s.”

“Great. Would you like a cup of tea? How do you take it?”

“With milk and one sugar.”

“I’ll be with you in a moment.” Maddie strode to the kitchen to get Terry Ronnauds some tea. Genevieve had prepared it in advance and Maddie went to the dressing room with the tray.