“Very well. If you have trouble finding the address, call us and we’ll send someone to assist you. My direct extension is listed on the card. I believe you have the special phone Madame Chabert procured for you?”

“Yes.” Chabert had given her a small cell that worked in the Unseen calling area. With it, Jean-Luc and the staff of Maison Plaisir were just within her reach, in case she was in trouble. Like a bat phone, only cooler. “Thank you.” Maddie pocketed the card and the key. “I hope I won’t need to bother you at all.”

“Don’t be silly. It’s my pleasure.” Hugo inclined his head.

Maddie returned the bow and stepped outside.

She grinned childishly. It felt like she’d stepped into a dream world. She padded along the sidewalk, studying the shops along the street. Bookstore. Café. Butcher’s shop. Bakery. Some people did a double take when they walked past her. “Human,” she caught them whispering behind her. Maddie felt a bit weird being stared at. But as they did nothing to bug her, she moved along.

First Realm was more fascinating than she’d originally thought. She’d never been interested in the world of the Unseen before, given her bad experiences. But strolling among them in their world, without worrying about being molested, was a nice change of scenery. Jean-Luc’s protection worked like a charm.

After she’d settled down in her new pad, Jean-Luc suggested she’d get a part-time job to kill the time. He knew she’d got bored when she had nothing to do after she’d finished unpacking. Jean-Luc said a friend of his would love to have her as an employee. Maddie wasn’t sure at first, because Jean-Luc’s friend’s shop wasn’t in the human world. Jean-Luc assured her she would be safer in First Realm. It was his turf.

Maddie stopped at intersections, looking for directions. The streets were oddly numbered, and 15th La Rue Avenue seemed to be beyond the traffic signal. She crossed with dozens of pedestrians at the red light.

Genevieve’s Fine Outfitters was surprisingly easy to find—it was the biggest clothing store on 15th La Rue Avenue. The shop window displayed fancy dresses and fur coats. The style was vintage clothes from the twenties and thirties. Apparently, First Realm residents didn’t follow fashion trends like in the human world.

A matronly woman greeted her when she stepped inside. “You must be Madeline. Welcome, welcome.”

“Are you Genevieve Marle?”

“That’s me. Goodness, you’re prettier in person. Jean-Luc told me all about you.”

“I hope good things.”

“You’re kidding? That boy is head over heels with you.” Genevieve laughed. Her voice was melodious, like an opera singer. Her accent was thicker than Jean-Luc’s.

Maddie blushed. “Really?”

“Darling, I’ve never seen Jean-Luc so taken with somebody before. Come. Let me show you around.”

Her new boss introduced her to her other employees and gave her a tour of the shop. Genevieve’s Fine Outfitters catered to men and women of high taste. Genevieve had hired her as a personal shopper for her clients. On top of a standard salary, Maddie would receive commission for every sale she made. Maddie thought it was a good deal, not that she was desperate for money now. Jean-Luc had given her a big allowance to spend. However, it was nice to earn her own bucks. Or gold. First Realm currency was strictly rendered in gold, silver, and copper coins. Dollars and paper money were unknown.

“When would you be ready for work?” Genevieve asked her.


“That’s wonderful. Let’s get you started, then.” Genevieve gave her the rundown of her job. Since the day was still early and not many customers were in the shop, Genevieve put her on window dressing duty.

It was fun, actually. Genevieve came with a box of merchandise to be put on this week’s display and left Maddie to her own devices. She was in the middle of undressing the fifth mannequin when her boss came in with a new client.

It was Jean-Luc.

“I thought I’d come by to see how your new employee is doing,” Jean-Luc told Genevieve. “It seems she’s a dedicated one.”

“She is.” Her boss turned to her. “Jean-Luc needs a new wardrobe. Perhaps you can assist him? Don’t worry about that. I’ll have Sonya finish the job.”

“Of course,” Maddie answered.

Jean-Luc winked at her.

Heat burned her cheeks. She still couldn’t help acting like a schoolgirl with a crush each time he was near her. Something about him always made her heart beat faster and her pulse race. Her libido went haywire. It was like he had bound her with a chain of lust, all he needed to do was stare at her and she burned uncontrollably from the inside. That man had messed up her brain.

Use him, but never fall for him, she reminded herself.

Maddie blinked.

Impossible, she thought.