Armed with the new evidence, Judith had gone to the police to report the incident. Unfortunately, on the way there, Judith and Dr Hearne had been involved in a twenty-car pile-up, which had resulted in Dr Hearne’s instant death. Judith herself had become trapped in the burning car. She’d suffered extensive second- and third-degree burns that had landed her in a three-week coma. When she’d regained her consciousness, Cameron had already been cremated, Dr Hearne was dead, the evidence had been destroyed in the accident, and her family was stricken with grief.

It had taken Judith five long years to pull herself together. Her family had been torn apart by the tragedy and deep in her heart she harboured suspicions that Gabriel was the one responsible for her brother’s death. The park ranger, Nisi, had been with her the night she and Cameron had been separated. Oliver had been injured—he couldn’t possibly have been the one who had committed the murder. Judith insisted that Gabriel must have been the cold-blooded killer.

Cat took another long drag from her drink while she spied on her target. Gabe was in the middle of a serious discussion with Alex. A sliver of light from the low-hanging lamp above the pool table illuminated his youthful face. He didn’t look thirty-five at all. More like in his late twenties. Her heart gave a quick stir. Gabe was a really good-looking man. The photos she’d seen in the magazines and tabloids didn’t do him any justice.

Could that soft-spoken, handsome man be the killer who’d murdered Cameron Rossi fourteen years ago?

It was hard to believe Gabriel was capable of that heinous crime.

He hadn’t had any motive to kill Cameron that Cat knew of.

Jon had told Cat that people committed crimes for three main reasons—love, money or revenge. Gabriel hadn’t profited from Cameron’s death. The two had been good friends at the time. And there had been no love interest rivalry between them. Gabriel was as straight as a flagpole, so the chance that he and Cameron had been lovers was slim.

So what could have been Gabriel’s motive for plucking the Colt from Cameron’s hand and shooting him execution-style the night everybody had got separated?

Cat closed her journal. This case was the hardest one she’d ever taken. Somehow, she wasn’t sure if she could solve it, but she wanted to keep the agency running in Jon’s memory. And, if she was successful, the payment from Rossi would keep this business afloat for another year.

“Excuse me, miss.”

Cat startled. Blood drained from her face when she noticed Alexandre Larousse was standing next to her. How did he sneak up on me like that? Is it time for me to hit the kerb already?

Instead of throwing her out of the club, Alex carefully set a glass of wine down in front of her. “Courtesy of my brother, Gabriel. He wondered if you would be interested in joining him?”


The neurons in her brain short-circuited. Her gaze cut to the man in question. Gabriel Larousse watched her with a smile hovering at the corner of his lips. His expression was a mixture of amusement and curiosity.

Oh God, what should I do? Cat panicked for a moment.

She could chicken out and decline the invitation.

But I’m a fucking private investigator, damn it, even though I’m a rookie. This could be a golden opportunity to get close to my target and dig as much dirt on him as I can.

“Miss?” Alex asked. “What say you?”

“I…uhm. Why?” She wanted to kick herself after she’d blurted that one out. Why couldn’t she have said something smart and elegant like the heroines in noir flicks?

Alex’s face was a mask of impassiveness. He didn’t look as snappish as he was rumoured to be. Alex’s gaze skittered briefly over her face, her body, the journal, and the purse in her lap. “It’s obvious you are waiting for someone—a member of the club. This establishment isn’t open to the public. And, while you’re waiting, my brother wishes to appease your boredom with a game of pool.”

“Oh. I can’t play pool.”

“Then perhaps simple conversation would do.” Alex offered a smile and his hand.

She blinked. “Your brother won’t take no for an answer, will he?”

The smile tightened.

Cat guessed she knew the answer. She shoved the journal back into her purse and took Alex’s proffered hand. She shuffled along, trying to keep up with Alex’s long strides. His grip was firm, as though he didn’t want her to bail out before he could deliver her safely to his brother.

The billiards room was spacious and rather dark. The ambiance was mysterious. Seductive. The walls were plastered in dark wainscots with several antique-looking sconces dimly lighting the place. The thick scent of expensive cigars cloyed the air. Spicy clove, too. The smell of men. Rich, powerful men. And her ill-thinking bravado had dragged her into their lair. She felt like Goldilocks in a bear’s house.

Gabriel took her hand from Alex’s and kissed it like a true gentleman. Was he usually this charming? The media often

portrayed him as an introverted man who bordered on being antisocial. The Gabriel before her wasn’t like that at all. His smile seemed genuinely warm and somehow…flirty. Which was weird, because the words ‘flirty’ and ‘Gabriel Larousse’ usually didn’t belong in the same sentence. Alex simply nodded and walked away.

“I’m Gabriel. It’s so kind of you to take up my invitation, Miss…”

“Catherine. But everybody calls me Cat.”