Page 24 of Tiger Speed Dating

Good God. Her brain scrambled in her skull. She could only murmur incoherent gibberish between his kisses. How was this even possible? The brand-new pleasure she’d never imagined. If this was a dream she didn’t want to wake up from it. And if this was reality, she didn’t want this moment to end. She’d always wanted this. Wanted him. Him. Only him. Forever. Damn it, this man belonged to her. Hers. As long as she breathed in this mortal world.

“Abby. . .” His face contorted with ecstasy. He pressed his forehead against her. “I. . .”

“I love you,” she blurted out.

His eyes widened. His face lighted up as if he’d just won a big lottery.

“Oh, babe,” he whispered. He kissed her again.

She didn’t need his answer. She just knew his feeling to her was mutual from the way he kissed her. Claimed her, possessing every fiber of her being.

Her body tensed, preparing another orgasm. His thrusts were precise, sharp and mind-shattering. All the nerves in her body lit up like Christmas lights. He pounded her over and over until the next violent orgasm crashed into her.

Her mind went blank. Her sight darkened for a moment. It felt like she was launched into the sky, high and flying between the clouds. A pleasure so exquisite it should be sin. A rapture. A little death, even.

She wrapped her thighs around his waist as her pussy squeezed his cock. The air around her thinned. Breath caught in her lungs. Her ears rang. Her pussy gushed juice that wet the sofa upholstery, something that had never happened before. And he felt even slicker. The sound of him fucking her was lewd and primal. He himself looked like a wild animal, lust-obsessed, full of raw power.

And she loved everything about him.

He thrust once. Twice. Thrice. And came. Perspiration dripped from his forehead. Muscles corded on his temples and jugulars. His cock swelled and spurted, gushing his hot, fertile cream. He shuddered. His breath was hot on her face.

She kissed him on the mouth. Greedy. Brazenly.

Give it to me, give it all to me she thought,

His cock stopped spasming on the ninth heartbeat. Then only their hard breaths followed. She bit her lip. No words were spoken as they rode the delicious afterglow. Curiously, his cock was still hard. Though at this point, she could only feel heat in her pussy from the sensory overload.

He then slowly withdrew from her and a trail of warm, creamy wetness followed. The scent of sex permeated in the air. Rich and redolent. Intoxicating like pheromones.

“Babe,” he cooed. “You’re mine.”

She nodded. “Yes.”



Chapter Twelve

Michael made love to her two more times on the couch before he regained a semblance of his humanity. After weeks of waiting, knowing his mate was so close but totally unobtainable, the tiger within him was finally satisfied.

Abby looked exhausted when he picked her up, but she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his shoulder regardless. Michael carried her up the stairs and to her bedroom, and after he lay her down and made sure she was comfortable, he joined her in bed and held her close.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

Abby laughed. “Are you really asking that?”

“Uh, yeah.” Michael frowned. “I think I got carried away. I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

“If that’s what happens when you don’t think of me, you need to do it more often.” Abby grinned. “That was the best sex of my life, Michael. I can’t even compare it to anything else. It was just…”

“Perfect.” Michael completed for her. He kissed the side of her mouth, and Abby sighed contentedly and turned her head into the kiss. For a while they made out lazily, lips moving slowly and tongues caressing. Then, he pulled away. “I have something to tell you and I don’t know how to begin.”

“Oh my God, don’t tell me you’re pregnant?” Abby joked. “Of course, I will take all responsibility, Michael.”

He grinned. His grin turned into laughter. And they laughed together.

When he was able to collect himself, he dropped the bomb. “Abby, listen. I’m not the man you think I am. . .”